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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1340. Hyrule Warriors gets a...

Really famitsu, really.......I'm expecting a 7.8 meta

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outlawauron said:
z101 said:

HW seems to be more "fleshed out" than any Dynasty Warriors game to date and has some interesting new gamplay elements.

Not to mention the fact that Hyrule Warriors looks better than even DW8 on PS4. :)

I don't even.

I love it when people say "I don't even".

I mean, it really isn't clear at all what you are saying, but still I know what you mean.

Wright said:
Richard_Feynman said:

Are you certain that's how it works?

News to me (and I suspect I'm not alone).

Yeah, bit of an exaggeration on my part, but Famitsu reviewers work under very strict conditions. They can barely scratch the surface of the games they review; because by the time they've slapped the score and the review lines on a game, they have to inmediately move on to the next one.


They would work much better if each reviewer went for a different game altogether. Maybe it wouldn't change things that much, but they would definitively had a bit more time to spare.

You really need to prove what you are saying. Is there any reason to think that these reviewers have less time with the game than others whom you might say are doing a better job?

To be clear; you are saying Famitsu reviewers spend less time with the games they review than IGN/Eurogamer/Gamespot/CVG/etc. Specifically, you are saying that spend significantly less time playing the games than these others. 

Where do you get this from? I have no problem with it if you are correct, but if you are not then I have to say that you are just contributing to the (already overpowering) internet noise.

tbone51 said:


Sells badly: Meaning obviously terrible, "Bomb" and "Flop", waste of time etc.

Sells Great: "Only sold good because its LoZ Skin" and things amoung those lines 

-Meta Score- Which seem to be wat will have never ending arguments

Low Score: Nothing needs to be said here

High Score:.....

I do understand where you're coming from, but I don't think that's necessarily fair.

For example, if it scores low, what's wrong with that?  It means that it's been scored in line with other Warriors games.  I think that's to be expected.

If it does get scored highly, you have to look behind the reviews.  Do they say things like "it's amazing to be able to explore through locations from previous games" or "I've always wanted to play at Ganondorf!"  In which case, the score is being inflated by the Zelda licence and it probably does deserve a little flak.  Not that there's anything wrong with that, but you can understand why people would complain.

And it'd solidify the game as "buy if you enjoy Zelda; don't if you don't".

Regarding sales - One Piece Pirate Warriors sold ridiculous numbers for an 8th gen Musou game in Japan.  It's obviously a case of a famous IP pushing the series to much higher sales than it deserved.  If Zelda does the same, then it's just another case of that.  Is there anything wrong with that?  People can moan, just tell them you disagree (like you've been doing with me this whole thread :P)

And if it bombs, then yeah, people will call it a bomb.  Same as any other game that flops!

Lyrikalstylez said:
Really famitsu, really.......I'm expecting a 7.8 meta

thats a great score if true. Good luck with that :)

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outlawauron said:
Smear-Gel said:
Why are Famitsu reviews suddenly irrelevant and worthless (this is the first time I'm hearing this) just because HW got good reviews?

These forums are weird.

Please point me to any thread where Famitsu reviews were taken very seriously.

I very much dislike this kind of response. You know wshy? Because I could say:

"Please point me to any thread where *insert any website/magazine here* reviews were taken very seriously."

In other words, I'm saying your statement means nothing.

Additionally, there was a time when Famitsu reviews were hailed as one of the most, if not the most, important measuring stick for the quality of titles. Everyone (who knows what they're talking about) would agree that this has become less pronounced since the 7th gen started, but nevertheless, a Kotaku score still has value attached to it.

So I urge you, please don't post these types of retorts to mildly sensible comments - they genuinely add nothing to the discussion.

Quite low for Famitsu. How much more Japanese can you get with your game?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Kresnik said:
tbone51 said:


I do understand where you're coming from, but I don't think that's necessarily fair.

For example, if it scores low, what's wrong with that?  It means that it's been scored in line with other Warriors games.  I think that's to be expected.

If it does get scored highly, you have to look behind the reviews.  Do they say things like "it's amazing to be able to explore through locations from previous games" or "I've always wanted to play at Ganondorf!"  In which case, the score is being inflated by the Zelda licence and it probably does deserve a little flak.  Not that there's anything wrong with that, but you can understand why people would complain.

And it'd solidify the game as "buy if you enjoy Zelda; don't if you don't".

Regarding sales - One Piece Pirate Warriors sold ridiculous numbers for an 8th gen Musou game in Japan.  It's obviously a case of a famous IP pushing the series to much higher sales than it deserved.  If Zelda does the same, then it's just another case of that.  Is there anything wrong with that?  People can moan, just tell them you disagree (like you've been doing with me this whole thread :P)

And if it bombs, then yeah, people will call it a bomb.  Same as any other game that flops!

This subject is Crazy O.o

I do kno if it gets lets say an 81, its definitely influenced by LoZ period. But then again, why shouldnt it (not saying you disagreeing).

I understand DW fanbase however as its a game they love but would be upset if only people cared for DW is cuz its LoZ. At the same time a game like this can open the doors for DW to grw, especially on nintendo platforms.

Overall this is definitely one of the hardest cases to understand. There is good points to both sides. It being a good mash up of 3 main LoZ games with so muh nostalgia in it. Then another saying will it give consumers a chance to look at the DW franchise as a whole now?

I mean SSB is a great game that lead up to many fans looking at other ips (course SSB is in its own league :P) HW might do the same for  a few.

Richard_Feynman said:
outlawauron said:

Please point me to any thread where Famitsu reviews were taken very seriously.

I very much dislike this kind of response. You know wshy? Because I could say:

"Please point me to any thread where *insert any website/magazine here* reviews were taken very seriously."

In other words, I'm saying your statement means nothing.

Additionally, there was a time when Famitsu reviews were hailed as one of the most, if not the most, important measuring stick for the quality of titles. Everyone (who knows what they're talking about) would agree that this has become less pronounced since the 7th gen started, but nevertheless, a Kotaku score still has value attached to it.

So I urge you, please don't post these types of retorts to mildly sensible comments - they genuinely add nothing to the discussion.

Famitsu has been considered a joke for review scores for quite some time. If anything, it's a punchline about how incredibly inflated the scores are. To make a comment about people just now making light of Famitsu reviews is mind-numbing, because how ridiculed they are already. Famitsu is unlike most because of this and I honestly don't know anyone who looks to their reviews scores as an indicator of quality or a resource to use. 

I urge you to read a few articles. one two three


Now, I don't think that the Famitsu is "completely worthless" as the person I was quoting has said. They're reviews should be as nothing else outside of informative pieces and for those who want to read some feedback on upcoming Japanese games.

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Plenty of western reviews are shocking. Especially obscure games. There are games on metacritic where I don't think a single reviewer played the game for more than an hour (Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain is one of the best ds games in my opinion). It's not just games with plots that require time to properly absorb but any game that has a steep difficulty curve or attempt a unconventional control scheme or any other innovation that takes time to appreciate.