Im gonna go ahead and predict the Patriots, by 11.
I hope I survive the night. Its my birthday tomorrow too, so Im not sure if Ill see the 2nd half.
Who will win the Super Bowl? | |||
Who cares? | 41 | 36.61% | |
That AFC team. | 29 | 25.89% | |
That NFC team. | 5 | 4.46% | |
Hahaha, not the Packers! | 25 | 22.32% | |
See Results. | 9 | 8.04% | |
Total: | 109 |
Im gonna go ahead and predict the Patriots, by 11.
I hope I survive the night. Its my birthday tomorrow too, so Im not sure if Ill see the 2nd half.
Carl2291 said: Im gonna go ahead and predict the Patriots, by 11. I hope I survive the night. Its my birthday tomorrow too, so Im not sure if Ill see the 2nd half. |
Happy Birthday! My buddy Dylan's Birthday was last night, small world!
So, with the additional information from Ian Rappaport, would it now be appropriate to start questioning the Colts involvement in this? If the only ball 2PSI under, was the ball that was in their hands, and the rest were only 'a few ticks under'...shouldn't that be raising questions about who had contact with the football after the interception?
RolStoppable said:
No. No, it should not. |
Well, unfortunately for you the leagues 'preponderance of the evidence' suggests otherwise. There's a very low level of evidence needed in integrity of the game issues. So, if Rappaports report is true, it's frankly a lesser stretch of the imagination to suggest the Colts tampered with the ball, post interception, than it is an 'elderly man' deflated 11 footballs in 98 seconds.
RolStoppable said:
Who's to say that the elderly had to deflate the balls? |
Only haters who live their lives hoping beyond hope there's another explanation of the Patriots success, than just being a good team w/ a great coach and a great QB.
RolStoppable said:
No, I mean the balls didn't need to get deflated during that 98 seconds window. In the restroom they were swapped with a bag that contained the already prepared deflated balls. After all, the Patriots were in possession of enough balls that looked exactly like the ones that were going to be used on gameday. Swap the balls again before they are handed back to the referees to check and everything will look legit. However, there's one ball that didn't stay in the Patriots' possession due to the interception. |
Uh yeah, except you know, you tinfoil hatters forget that the HALLWAY HAS A FUCKING CAMERA IN IT. Patriots gave them the footage in the first place, and the Wells team has full access to basically every electronic device in Gillette Stadium. You think a forensic team specializing in video surveillance wouldn't notice a guy walk into a bathroom w/ a bag of balls, and come out w/o said bag? You think, given all the other faulty or half-assed information leaked to the media, that wouldn't be a major bullet point?
What nickname do you prefer, Gumby or Armstrong? Cause that's a stretch, dude.
RolStoppable said: The Patriots handing over the footage doesn't prove any sort of innocence. They know exactly where the cameras are and what they are going to capture (it's their stadium, after all). Since the footage shows no incriminating evidence, it's a benefit for the Patriots to hand it over because it shows their willingness to cooperate. It sways people's minds into thinking that the Patriots can't really be guilty if they are so forthcoming. Here's how the swapping works: Walk into the restroom with two bags of balls. Leave one bag behind and pick up the one inside the restroom with the prepared balls. Walk out of the restroom with two bags. If the Patriots were in possession of balls that looked identical to the ones used on gameday, then surely they could organize a bag that looked exactly the same as well. |
Ok Gumby. I see it doesn't matter what happens, because you're incapable of actual objective analysis when the Patriots are involved.
RolStoppable said:
The Patriots had the means to cheat and they did. That's all there is to it. Also, you aren't in the position to judge anyone, because since day 1 of Deflategate you have insisted that the Patriots didn't do anything, even going as far as posting a nonsensical Youtube video. |
Colts had the means to cheat, also, is the point you're missing, and the evidence is just as strong against them, as it is against the Patriots, which is to say, not strong at all. Merely circumstantial.
And I've been pretty consistent throughout all of this, providing updates on information that doesn't look kindly on the Patriots as well as information that does. I'm also on record saying I support punishment if the Patriots did in fact tamper with the balls after Walt Anderson checked them. So, unfortunately, you're the only one in this conversation who's shown an incapacity to be objective.
RolStoppable said:
The Colts lack the motive though. What good does it for them to deflate one ball when they can expect that the other eleven will be okay? On the other hand, if the Patriots did it, they could play with lighter balls for the entirety of the game, something that benefits the aging Tom Brady. |
I hope you seriously didn't write that sentence with a straight face. They're playing a team that's consistently beaten them throughout Irsay's tenure. They've embarassed them the past 3 games on the field. And it's for the AFCCG, and a Super Bowl birth, yeah, no motive whatsoever. That's some objectivity right there.
*golf clap*
RolStoppable said:
You should have read the following sentence. If the only ball that wasn't within regulation is the one that benefited the Colts (an interception), then they wouldn't be in a position to complain. I mean, how stupid would that look? Official press release by the Indianapolis Colts: "The New England Patriots used one ball that wasn't within regulation. They cheated and it was obviously detrimental to our team." They would be the laughing stock of the nation, hence no motive. The Patriots did it, I tell ya. |
How would the Colts know the PSI of every ball the Patriots had? Additionally, doesn't that fall under the same umbrella of 'feigning innocence' like you know, that whole thing you just barely stated about the Patriots handing over the footage? As I said, you lack objectivity to really look at this issue.