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RolStoppable said:
mornelithe said:

Only haters who live their lives hoping beyond hope there's another explanation of the Patriots success, than just being a good team w/ a great coach and a great QB.

No, I mean the balls didn't need to get deflated during that 98 seconds window. In the restroom they were swapped with a bag that contained the already prepared deflated balls. After all, the Patriots were in possession of enough balls that looked exactly like the ones that were going to be used on gameday. Swap the balls again before they are handed back to the referees to check and everything will look legit. However, there's one ball that didn't stay in the Patriots' possession due to the interception.

Uh yeah, except you know, you tinfoil hatters forget that the HALLWAY HAS A FUCKING CAMERA IN IT.  Patriots gave them the footage in the first place, and the Wells team has full access to basically every electronic device in Gillette Stadium.  You think a forensic team specializing in video surveillance wouldn't notice a guy walk into a bathroom w/ a bag of balls, and come out w/o said bag?  You think, given all the other faulty or half-assed information leaked to the media, that wouldn't be a major bullet point?

What nickname do you prefer, Gumby or Armstrong?  Cause that's a stretch, dude.