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Forums - Movies & TV - Guardians of the Galaxy

Tried it in 4DX while holidaying in Bangkok! Awesome. "I am GROOT"

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I was actually feeling like I was watching a Classic Movie in the making, it was actionpacked, really fun, tied into the other Marvel universe... and it had Groot :).

This movie was so well made, the pacing, the acting and the humour were all top notch. The music selection compliments the fun tone of the film and the settings are very believable for such an ambitious film. I tend to like serious films more as i rarely find films as fun as they are intended to be but this film was a genuine joy to watch.
Easily my best film in a long time.

Puppyroach said:
I was actually feeling like I was watching a Classic Movie in the making, it was actionpacked, really fun, tied into the other Marvel universe... and it had Groot :).

Tying as well as it does into the "Avengers" timeline was a huge pleasent suprise for me. I thought it was a standalone experiment when I saw the previews, but nows feel that the 2 timelimes will most definitly intercect(well they do in this movie, but I mean they will be in same movie)

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

Was suppose to go watch this yesterday but plans got canceled. If I have to go watch it alone I most definitely will.

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KingWithNoKrown said:

Was suppose to go watch this yesterday but plans got canceled. If I have to go watch it alone I most definitely will.

I recommend you go when the theater will be mostly full (next weekend) it really adds to the experiance watching and laughing with the whole audience.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

So it made $160 million globally which is ahead of all projections. So happy to see such a film get commercial success. Thank you everyone who saw it.

saw it on yesterday and it was a great film (though Winter Solider is still my favorite superhero film of the year and my favorite marvel film period) its definitely has got me interested in checking out their comics when i get a chance. 


after credit scene spoilers below

just wow even Howard The Duck being apart of the Marvel Cinematic Universe manage to beat DC bringing Wonder Women, Aquaman, and Flash being on the big screen first XD.

Movie was AMAZING. It is likely the best of the newer era Marvel movies. I wanted to watch it again immediately after it ended.  Decent 3D too.  They kept the humor and character development that made the comics so great, and didn't ruin the movie trying to make it "super serious" like they have to some of the other newer Marvel films.

Given this is a "Chartz" site I figured show how Guardians of the Galaxy is doing via charts.

Sorry how the data bunches up at points, some total are very close.

Can see how Avengers and Iron Man are in class of their own, but Guardians is doing really well compared to Hulk, Thor and Captain America.