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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What console has the best upcoming games in the future?


Which one do you think has the best?

PS4 193 38.83%
Wii U 239 48.09%
Xbox One 65 13.08%
alabtrosMyster said:
ExplodingBlock said:

A chart I found with all the upcoming games for all three consoles, games in black are multiplatform while red is exclusive. Note: I DID NOT MAKE THIS LIST


Well, you made the thread and you CHOOSE this list as the basis of the discussion, I say, the list is BS, it's slanted to make the XB1 look "better" by forgetting all, or most indie titles (and maybe some others) that are not multi-platform... and it includes some games like the XB1 Gears title that don't even have a true release date (maybe 2016?)

As was mentioned, the Wii U has 3rd party support, just not as much as the PS4/XB1

If you want to start a conversation, try to pick a good starting point, it will make you look impartial, instead of putting everyone who is not on the same side as you (or the side you seem to be) on the defensive.

There, I fixed this list. happy now?

Around the Network

Imma g with Xbox one for now.

WiiU> X1>> PS4 ( Only really care about Uncharted 4 when it comes to upcoming PS4 games.. )

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---


Obviously the WiiU will win - there are more WiiU owners here than any other console.

Around the Network

PS4 easily. Uncharted, bloodborne, the order, LBP3, DriveCLub, Planet Side 2, H1Z1, EverQuest Next, No Mans Sky, Rime, Everybodies Gone to the rapture, Deep Down. and most multiplats, and mind you, those multiplates perfom and look better on PS4.

The Wii U and the Xbox One

I choose the Xbox One. Just because there is not one NO! two upcoming Halo games. That's it. I think this time around it is very close. It's hard to decide.

I think you should change "games" with "exclusives" in the title because with taking multiplatform titles into consideration the decision might be different.

I don't hate Microsoft, I don't hate PC,
I don't prefer Sony, I don't prefer Nintendo.
...Ok, I love Nintendo but this is something about tolerance, ok?

I'm a gamer with one of the greatest hobbies and I want to share this greatness with everyone.

Wii U!!

Hero and Heroine Trainers Club Member.

For me, it's Nintendo but all three consoles have cool titles coming. If i weren't a long time Nintendo fan, the choice would have been hard.

Playing: F1 2016 (PC), Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (PS4)
Watching: Hajime no Ippo, Attack on Titan (4th time)
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