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I have owned Watch Dogs now for about a Month and Ive played it once, for around 30 minutes.

Why cant I find the motivation to play it? Ive been all FIFA's and WoW'd up.


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*Sound Of Rain said:
Why is everyone so impressed by RE4?

RE's 1-3 were so much better! To each their own.

RE4 was the perfect mix between action and horror if you ask me.. It's simply a very fun game!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Carl2291 said:
I have owned Watch Dogs now for about a Month and Ive played it once, for around 30 minutes.

Why cant I find the motivation to play it? Ive been all FIFA's and WoW'd up.

Do you like open world games?

Consoles: 3DS, Wii U, and Vita soon. Super Paper Mario fan.

ieatdragonz said:

Do you like open world games?

Yep, GTA5 and AC4 were the most recent I played and enjoyed.

I just cant find the motivation to sit down and give it a good go.


AZWification said:

My fondest memory of RE4 was actually when I first got it in 2006.. I was 13 at the time and I had never played something like that before in my life... It felt really magical..


Well, I'll be damned!  I swear I didn't see this post before writing my reply to you where I used the word "magical"!

But 13... in 2006?  This site is populated by fertilized eggs!  I feel so old!


*Sound Of Rain said:
Why is everyone so impressed by RE4?

RE's 1-3 were so much better! To each their own.


Agreed!  I love the classics.  Give me cinematic camera angles and tank controls any day!  And no, I'm not being sarcastic.  I know some people prefer the over-the-shoulder shooter style, but I loved the originals precisely because they didn't play like action games!

ColdFire - The man with no name.

Around the Network
AZWification said:

RE4 was the perfect mix between action and horror if you ask me.. It's simply a very fun game!

They took out my favorite part about RE, the horror.

They replaced the zombies, got rid of the atmosphere of being isolated, just was a huge disappointment for me. Everyone in my family and my friends loved it though so it's just me.

Carl2291 said:
ieatdragonz said:

Do you like open world games?

Yep, GTA5 and AC4 were the most recent I played and enjoyed.

I just cant find the motivation to sit down and give it a good go.

It may be the enviroment in general as both Assasains Creed and GTA 5 both have large areas to explore and more variety in the enviroments.

Could also be the slower paced combat.

Either way play a little more, I personally give the game 1 hour and 30 mins playtime before giving up on it.

Consoles: 3DS, Wii U, and Vita soon. Super Paper Mario fan.

*Sound Of Rain said:
Why is everyone so impressed by RE4?

RE's 1-3 were so much better! To each their own.

I've heard wonderful things about RE 1-3. The thing is that I've tried RE2, and I didn't like it. Maybe it was the cinematic camera. I didn't like how you spent a whole clip on a zombie and more of them appeared, leaving you defenseless. Graphics were bad, but I didn't mind. It's just that the camera was awful; I couldn't go thru the first level. Nowadays, I don't need guns to kill zombies. I can just counter them at Mercenaries


This absolutely slays me.  I can't get over the fact that you had the console, and it was your favourite, and you never played Goldeneye or Perfect Dark.  Man, you missed out!

I know I mentioned this before, but if you have a 360, you may still be able to get the HD remaster of Perfect Dark.  I read that it was available on Xbox Live.  Again, I don't know if it plays any different to the original (though it doesn't appear to, based on the videos) but it looks great.

Sorry, I don't mean to go on about it.  These two games are, in my opinion, a piece of gaming history, and it just kills me that you missed them despite owning the console.

Actually, didn't you say you have a Wii?  It may be worth looking online.  I don't have one so I have no idea, but I'm sure that one

I do have a Wii...somewhere. I forget where I put it because it isn't hooked up. I might just buy an N64 again if I one day have enough money. The console shouldn't be to expensive but the games will be...

I don't have any Xbox consoles. Although, I know multiple people who do.

By the way, you are old. I'm around the same age as AZWification :P

Mr_No said:

I've heard wonderful things about RE 1-3. The thing is that I've tried RE2, and I didn't like it. Maybe it was the cinematic camera. I didn't like how you spent a whole clip on a zombie and more of them appeared, leaving you defenseless. Graphics were bad, but I didn't mind. It's just that the camera was awful; I couldn't go thru the first level. Nowadays, I don't need guns to kill zombies. I can just counter them at Mercenaries

The camera is bad but I don't mind. The camera and controls are classic! :)

I like having to go around looking for ammo and trying to survive. That's what made them fun!

I can't decide if I like RE2 or RE3 more though. I never finished Code Veronica but I will one day...