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This absolutely slays me.  I can't get over the fact that you had the console, and it was your favourite, and you never played Goldeneye or Perfect Dark.  Man, you missed out!

I know I mentioned this before, but if you have a 360, you may still be able to get the HD remaster of Perfect Dark.  I read that it was available on Xbox Live.  Again, I don't know if it plays any different to the original (though it doesn't appear to, based on the videos) but it looks great.

Sorry, I don't mean to go on about it.  These two games are, in my opinion, a piece of gaming history, and it just kills me that you missed them despite owning the console.

Actually, didn't you say you have a Wii?  It may be worth looking online.  I don't have one so I have no idea, but I'm sure that one

I do have a Wii...somewhere. I forget where I put it because it isn't hooked up. I might just buy an N64 again if I one day have enough money. The console shouldn't be to expensive but the games will be...

I don't have any Xbox consoles. Although, I know multiple people who do.

By the way, you are old. I'm around the same age as AZWification :P