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TruckOSaurus said:
Mr_No said:

I do agree that the Gamecube was very underrated for a console that promoted third party games with better graphics than the PS2. My experience with the Gamecube was minimal, since I've only played one when a friend brought it home with Super Smash Bros. Melee. I was pretty bad at it and I didn't understand the percentage at the bottom of the screen (and I still don't).

It's quite simple actually. The purpose of the game is to knock your opponent out of the ring (stage), each of your character's attack knock back your opponent and also add to their percentage, the higher the percentage the more your hits will send your opponent flying away.

Thank you for clearing that up. It's that I haven't been paying attention to the series for a long time, and that question kept popping in my head.

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Mr_No said:

Really? Which enemies? Maybe it was because it included Separate Ways and newer weapons.

I don't really know which enemies got cut, but perhaps the bigger bummer for the PS2 version was the fact that the GC version had more enemies than the PS2 version at any given time..

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AZWification said:
Mr_No said:

Really? Which enemies? Maybe it was because it included Separate Ways and newer weapons.

I don't really know which enemies got cut, but perhaps the bigger bummer for the PS2 version was the fact that the GC version had more enemies than the PS2 version at any given time..

Which is why the Wii version is the definite version: best visuals, all the PS2 extra content and IR aiming goodness.

Signature goes here!

Though this thread is going well I feel as if it needs more Microsoft love.

Quite frankly I really love the Gears of war series, even though it seems like a game that wouldn't appeal to me in the slightest. I thought while even though some dialogue was awful the general story gave me a sense of epicness (Lol) that most cover based shooters couldn't do for me. Plus the enemies felt menacing as hell like the Berserker Boomers, Nemacyst, hell even the Razor Hail. Plus the multiplayer was fun as hell. If only judgement didn't suck :(

Consoles: 3DS, Wii U, and Vita soon. Super Paper Mario fan.

TruckOSaurus said:

Which is why the Wii version is the definite version: best visuals, all the PS2 extra content and IR aiming goodness.

Some people complain that IR makes the game too easy but it just feels so right...IR aiming was the best thing to come out of the Wii controller ^.^

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sundin13 said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Which is why the Wii version is the definite version: best visuals, all the PS2 extra content and IR aiming goodness.

Some people complain that IR makes the game too easy but it just feels so right...IR aiming was the best thing to come out of the Wii controller ^.^

The shooting range mini-game was soooo much easier in the Wii version.

Signature goes here!

AZWification said:
Mr_No said:

Really? Which enemies? Maybe it was because it included Separate Ways and newer weapons.

I don't really know which enemies got cut, but perhaps the bigger bummer for the PS2 version was the fact that the GC version had more enemies than the PS2 version at any given time..

Well yeah, it had to be because the GameCube had 43MB RAM while the PS2 only had 32MB. But my fondest memory with RE4 was from a few years ago. My Fat PS3 got the YLOD and to fight boredom, I told myself to unlock the Handcannon. Not an easy feat, but I made it.

Mr_No said:

Well yeah, it had to be because the GameCube had 43MB RAM while the PS2 only had 32MB. But my fondest memory with RE4 was from a few years ago. My Fat PS3 got the YLOD and to fight boredom, I told myself to unlock the Handcannon. Not an easy feat, but I made it.

My fondest memory of RE4 was actually when I first got it in 2006.. I was 13 at the time and I had never played something like that before in my life... It felt really magical..

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Why is everyone so impressed by RE4?

RE's 1-3 were so much better! To each their own.

*Sound Of Rain said:
My first console was a Genesis.

I was really young so I didn't even know that the SNES or anything else existed. I only knew what I had. I was probably 3 or 4 at the time. Looking back, the console was a lot of fun. My favorites were Echo The Dolphin, Some X-Men games, Vector Man, among others.

Just sharing :)


High five, Genesis brother!


AZWification said:
My first console ever was the SNES and playing Mario World for the first time ever in 93/94 felt so good... I still love the SNES to this day and it's actually my favorite console of all time!


It's no Genesis!

Just kidding.  Actually, I understand exactly where you're coming from.


AZWification said:

Yeah... While the N64 was also a great console, it just didn't make me feel happy like the good ol' SNES did...


You know, I know exactly what you mean, and I do honestly wonder how much of our preferences are pure nostalgia.  It seems very common for people to say that their first system (or at least one of the earliest they remember) is still their favourite.  I think that part of it is probably due to the fact that our early gaming experiences have a kind of "magical" quality to them, and that as we grow up and gaming becomes more commonplace in our lives, it loses some of this mystique.  I think it's like this with a lot of things we remember from our childhood.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying these systems weren't genuinely great.  I'll defend the Mega Drive (Genesis) to this day.  But I think we also never get back those innocent eyes that we had when our early gaming memories were forged.  Which makes me wonder... can you imagine if we never lost that childlike wonder that we started out with?  In a way, I envy those who've grown up with more modern games.  Those get to be their first experiences.  And while I'm sure that some of us (including myself, I admit) would lament them missing out on the great experiences we grew up with, they still get to have their own, just in a different way.

Sigh!  Now I'm feeling old again!


*Sound Of Rain said:

I was perfectly happy with the Genesis...


Woo!!  Yeah, brother!  Genesis does what...

Ok, ok... sorry.  I can't help myself.


*Sound Of Rain said:

The N64 is currently my favorite console ever. It was many memories.


This absolutely slays me.  I can't get over the fact that you had the console, and it was your favourite, and you never played Goldeneye or Perfect Dark.  Man, you missed out!

I know I mentioned this before, but if you have a 360, you may still be able to get the HD remaster of Perfect Dark.  I read that it was available on Xbox Live.  Again, I don't know if it plays any different to the original (though it doesn't appear to, based on the videos) but it looks great.

Sorry, I don't mean to go on about it.  These two games are, in my opinion, a piece of gaming history, and it just kills me that you missed them despite owning the console.

Actually, didn't you say you have a Wii?  It may be worth looking online.  I don't have one so I have no idea, but I'm sure that one of the Wii owners on here could tell you if they're available for download.


*Sound Of Rain said:

Sadly, I no longer have it :(


I still have my Genesis and all the games.


ieatdragonz said:

Man I want a genesis again so I can play Toe Jam & Earl.



Seriously, there are some really good Genesis emulators out there.  I actually prefer them.  I find emulation much more convenient than pulling out and setting up my old consoles.

ColdFire - The man with no name.