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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Destiny Playstation Beta Dates Exclusive DLC Content Has XB Fans Threatening To Pull Support

1 month or 1 year, the principal is the same. Timed exclusives have been going on for ages, if you didnt speak up against it earlier, you should accept that its too late now.

Even I hate timed exclusives, but thats just the way the industry has evolved. Its now a competitive tool and theres no going back, regardless of how many people cancel their destiny pre-orders, or any other games in the future.

Anyway, thats a silly way of protesting since when the sales numbers come out even more in favour of PS4, more publishers are going to team up with Sony.

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Torillian said:

But with season passes available on Call of Duty that's exactly what they did.  All consoles paid the same amount for a season pass, PS3 owners had to wait a month longer to actually get the content they'd paid for.  They knew about it before hand so it was their decision whether or not that was a reasonable deal.  

As long as the companies are up front about what's in the DLC and how much you'll pay for it I have no issue with Sony or MS paying a bit to give their fans a bit extra in the DLC.  XBone owners just got a bit of a worse deal on the DLC this time, and they can decide if it's still worth the price.  


I think xbox gamers are really only peeved because the time length of the exclusivity..

everything else really is an apples to apples comparison.

Man.. I hate it when your girl has to leave my place to come back to you..

Torillian said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

You can either download the GTA IV DLC to your PS3 or go buy the disc based version of the DLC and have been able to for years and years.

As for the rest, not the same thing. The simple point many people here are missing in their rush to quickly generalize and try to rub salt in hypothetical wounds, is that it's not about waiting for content. It's about paying the same price for that DLC only to have part of it locked away for an extended period of time. CoD never did that. GTA never did that. Evolve doesn't do that. So please quit bringing them up.

I doubt many would give a shit about a window of exclusive time for DLC. But this is something that rightfully pisses people off. Like I said before, it's like buying a game and discovering there is DLC locked away on the disc you already paid for.

But with season passes available on Call of Duty that's exactly what they did.  All consoles paid the same amount for a season pass, PS3 owners had to wait a month longer to actually get the content they'd paid for.  They knew about it before hand so it was their decision whether or not that was a reasonable deal.  

As long as the companies are up front about what's in the DLC and how much you'll pay for it I have no issue with Sony or MS paying a bit to give their fans a bit extra in the DLC.  XBone owners just got a bit of a worse deal on the DLC this time, and they can decide if it's still worth the price.  

I know CoD content comes a month later. I did it on PS3 most of last gen. But you get all of it at once. You don't pay and get a piece and then get the rest of it later whenever the other platforms time is up using it. CoD is timed exclusive DLC. Destiny is timed exclusive DLC inside of DLC. It's easy to see why some people would be upset about that.

Last gen Sony had lots of games that had exclusive DLC included in the purchase price, content that never ever came to Xbox. You didn't see some Xbox fans flipping out because that content wasn't something they'd paid for. There's a big difference when you pay and only get a piece of what you paid for.

BillyBong said:
Torillian said:

But with season passes available on Call of Duty that's exactly what they did.  All consoles paid the same amount for a season pass, PS3 owners had to wait a month longer to actually get the content they'd paid for.  They knew about it before hand so it was their decision whether or not that was a reasonable deal.  

As long as the companies are up front about what's in the DLC and how much you'll pay for it I have no issue with Sony or MS paying a bit to give their fans a bit extra in the DLC.  XBone owners just got a bit of a worse deal on the DLC this time, and they can decide if it's still worth the price.  


I think xbox gamers are really only peeved because the time length of the exclusivity..

everything else really is an apples to apples comparison.

No one even knows the time length. What the people are peeved about is exactly what they are saying. Paying for content but having pieces of what they paid for locked away for a time.

LudicrousSpeed said:

No one even knows the time length. What the people are peeved about is exactly what they are saying. Paying for content but having pieces of what they paid for locked away for a time.

well.. game drops in Sept, basically fall of 2014.  Exclusivity is until fall of 2015. and timed DLC in a DLC is still timed DLC, regardless of structure.. you will still get the rest of the content eventually.

Man.. I hate it when your girl has to leave my place to come back to you..

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LudicrousSpeed said:

I know CoD content comes a month later. I did it on PS3 most of last gen. But you get all of it at once. You don't pay and get a piece and then get the rest of it later whenever the other platforms time is up using it. CoD is timed exclusive DLC. Destiny is timed exclusive DLC inside of DLC. It's easy to see why some people would be upset about that.

Last gen Sony had lots of games that had exclusive DLC included in the purchase price, content that never ever came to Xbox. You didn't see some Xbox fans flipping out because that content wasn't something they'd paid for. There's a big difference when you pay and only get a piece of what you paid for.

So the CoD situation is fine because even though the PS3 owners paid the same amount for their season pass they got it all late instead of getting 95% of it at the sae time?  

The issue you're having is a problem of how you view it.  You view it as XboxOne owners not getting everything they paid for, but that's not true, as long as the content of the DLC is explicitly stated then the XboxOne owners got exactly what they paid for, just turns out that it's a btter deal and you get more for the same price on PS4.  If this was something that was sprung on people after they bought the DLC I would agree with you, but as long as things are things are explicitly stated then the company is doing nothing wrong and consumers can decide for themselves if their version of the DLC is worth the cost, but Xbox Fans are by no means "only getting a piece of what they paid for".


Playstation users that buy the COD season pass the same time as xbox fans have to wait while they paid the same price. This is the same thing. Tough cookies, no one forced you to choose your console of choice.

Thanks jlmurph!

Ha there crying over DLC.... some peoples kids. Payback sucks

mornelithe said:
Azerth said:

expect with cod you just had to wait to play the content with destiny we pay the same amount to have content locked away will they say so

plus all the other stuff ps is getting. xbox have alittle reason to be upset

The Ballad of Gay Tony and The Last and the Damned entire expansions of GTAIV, didn't launch until 6 months after the 360 release, on PS3.  Nevermind PC, who had to wait until these expansions launched on PS3, before the game itself launched.  So yeah, a map or two isn't that big of a deal.  And you're forgetting that you don't have to buy it, either.  You can wait a year until the content becomes multi-plat or however that'll work.

Unfortunately, that's just how the industry has shifted over the past 10+ years, and the consumer ate it up.  Right now PS4/Sony fans are giddy, because this is seen every bit as much as a victory to them, as the loss of GTA exlusivity, FF exclusivity, etc... felt and was to MS/360 owners.  At issue is gamer's inability to see how their purchases now, effect the future of the industry.

If everyone had resisted the urge to buy into the timed exclusivity shit, back when it first started, Bungie/Activision wouldn't be floating a new possible revenue strategy like this in Destiny.  Likewise, you'd need a pretty substantial coordinated consumer response (across PS4/Xone) to boycott Destiny in order for the numbers to be low enough to send a message that this isn't ok.

We know, however, that isn't going to happen.  And 5 years from now, who knows how this concept will have morphed or been adopted industry wide.  Especially if Destiny pulls in big numbers.

and when they came out were some of the content locked away after you purchased it?  

im not saying timed dlc is a good thing.  i would perfer all dlc to come to every platform as thats the fairest thing to do.  but locking away content for one console that pays the same amount as the other is in my opion worse then having to wait to play the full dlc

So, it was all fun and games when the 360 had MONTHS of DLC exclusivity for titles like GTA, Skyrim, and CoD, but a few days of Beta access has fans crying foul? Please.

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