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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Destiny Playstation Beta Dates Exclusive DLC Content Has XB Fans Threatening To Pull Support

BillyBong said:
CDiablo said:

The expansion pass only covers season 1 of dlc(the first 2 add ons). If they define the timed DLC as part of the 1st add on(as in: fall 2015 they give the exclusive DLC inside the DLC away for free) for MS users; sure. Seeing that this game looks like its going to be a nickle and diming game I would wager they are going to sell those extra items at an extra cost.

I don't see why that wouldn't be the case.  How often do you see games given different DLC content aside from some not getting the DLC at all?  It's always been the same content throughout when any DLC released on other platforms.  And as far as any article I've read so far on the "exclusive content" is only a timed exclusive.. not console exclusive.  Still finding it hard to believe that xbox owners will have to pay additional money a year later to unlock additional content in something they've already bought.  it's only timed exclusive content..

This exclusive DLC in DLC is the first time this has ever been done in gaming; to my knowledge. The way I look at it when I put on my executive hat is people already bought the either the 1st DLC pack or the season 1 expansion pass; that transaction is done. MS guys get to play the DLC at the same time as Sony users. The timed DLC in DLC isnt necessary to complete the 1st DLC, and they arent pre-purchasing the DLC in DLC when they buy the 1 DLC pack. so why would they give it away for free once the year is up? I dont expect the Sony exclusive base content(the "bonus" stuff that just comes with the base game) to become free when it comes to MS systems. Shortly afterwards DLC pack 1 comes out with timed exclusive stuff. In my mind I dont know why they would give it away for free. This game cost $500 million. This means to make their money back they have to sell around 8.5 million copies assuming every cent of the $60 goes to them(21 million based on the estimate of $20 going back to publishers) just to break even. I dont see it being free, you do, I guess time will tell. I hope I am wrong for the sake of the industry.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

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You are so right.I don't see the big issue now.

Torillian said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

I know CoD content comes a month later. I did it on PS3 most of last gen. But you get all of it at once. You don't pay and get a piece and then get the rest of it later whenever the other platforms time is up using it. CoD is timed exclusive DLC. Destiny is timed exclusive DLC inside of DLC. It's easy to see why some people would be upset about that.

Last gen Sony had lots of games that had exclusive DLC included in the purchase price, content that never ever came to Xbox. You didn't see some Xbox fans flipping out because that content wasn't something they'd paid for. There's a big difference when you pay and only get a piece of what you paid for.

So the CoD situation is fine because even though the PS3 owners paid the same amount for their season pass they got it all late instead of getting 95% of it at the sae time?  

The issue you're having is a problem of how you view it.  You view it as XboxOne owners not getting everything they paid for, but that's not true, as long as the content of the DLC is explicitly stated then the XboxOne owners got exactly what they paid for, just turns out that it's a btter deal and you get more for the same price on PS4.  If this was something that was sprung on people after they bought the DLC I would agree with you, but as long as things are things are explicitly stated then the company is doing nothing wrong and consumers can decide for themselves if their version of the DLC is worth the cost, but Xbox Fans are by no means "only getting a piece of what they paid for".

There's no problem with how I view it. That's how I would view it as a consumer. You're welcome to view it a different way. Yes, I would rather have all content I pay for available on day one, even if that day one is 30 days after another platform gets it. Which is why I had no problem paying for CoD DLC on PS3 30 days later last gen. And I had no problem with Ass Creed on PS3 getting an exclusive mission. It wasn't something I paid for on another platform but was locked away.

If Activision gave us half the map pack on PS3 last gen and locked the other half away, I wouldn't have bought it. I am normally an easy going, half glass full type of guy, but that rubs me the wrong way. Obviously others agree and are making a bigger deal about it because they are looking forward to Destiny. IDGAF about Destiny but I would hate to see these shenanigans molest other games in the future.

BillyBong said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

No one even knows the time length. What the people are peeved about is exactly what they are saying. Paying for content but having pieces of what they paid for locked away for a time.

well.. game drops in Sept, basically fall of 2014.  Exclusivity is until fall of 2015. and timed DLC in a DLC is still timed DLC, regardless of structure.. you will still get the rest of the content eventually.

AFAIK the way its being worded is the timed exclusive DLC inside the DLC is exclusive until "at least Fall of 2015". But there's no date for said DLC to come out. So for example if DLC #1 drops in August off 2015, it could have timed exclusive elements for a month. If it drops in September, it could be a week. Who knows. So to say it's about the length is not really accurate because no one knows the length. The reality is people simply don't like paying for content and having a piece of it locked away.

MS started this game of exclusive DLC, you can't hate Sony for playing ball now.

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ah, sweet salty tears! Apparently, timed exclusivity is only OK when it benefits Xbox users....

Destiny sucks anyways so it's not like I care.

"However, Sony and Activision have heavily played up the Destiny on the PS4 and PS3 to the point where it has almost been advertised as exclusive to the consoles. As a matter of fact, the game will be exclusive to Playstation in Japan."

Now......I have the impression that the game IS exclusive to PS. Every other version is like a Chinese ripoff. It exists, its similar, but not the real thing.

It is a good thing I stopped caring about Bungie after they butchered the Halo Reach storyline. But as a Xbox fan, this kind of console favoritism outdoes anything MS did in the past with multiplats.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


BHR-3 said:
dont forget that timed exclusive gta4 DLC guys

or fallout 3 for instance!


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.

Azerth said:

and when they came out were some of the content locked away after you purchased it?  

im not saying timed dlc is a good thing.  i would perfer all dlc to come to every platform as thats the fairest thing to do.  but locking away content for one console that pays the same amount as the other is in my opion worse then having to wait to play the full dlc

Oh, so it was ok when it's just timed exclusivity, but this is crossing a line?  Sorry, the adoption of the timed exclusivity as the industry norm led directly to things like this.  Yes, it's different, but developers are always going to try to find new ways to make revenue, it's up to the consumer to determine what is and isn't appropriate.  Thus far, we've failed miserably.