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Forums - Sony Discussion - "I don't get the point of TLOU Remastered"

I dont get why people are comparing this to Wind Waker HD or the Halo compilation.

Remastered edition for PS4 owners, sure. I understand that argument for why the creation of this game was fine.

But comparing it to the other people remastering a game from 2 Generations ago and adding new features is really just silly, in my opinion.

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I'm gonna buy it. I just want to make that clear. I just wish that more of these PS3-PS4 ports were real leaps like how the 5th gen Resident Evil was remade for the Gamecube, how MGS1 became Twin Snakes, or how Halo Anniversary was a complete graphical overhaul of the 2001 game.

I was never a fan of the HD Collections from last gen because they never really offered any real improvements, imo. Only the Metal Gear HD collection did it for me. Yeah, I bought a LOT of games twice. I even made a thread called "Games So Nice You Bought Them Twice" but I'll probably regret purchasing this game (and probably GTAV) if there arent significant upgrades. Resolution and Frames Per Second were never deal breakers for me.

phaedruss said:
I see the point of it in that way, I just don't get people who have played it, and those who have played it several times already, getting excited about a year old port.

It is one of my all time favorite games. I finished it and I didn't play another game afterwards for several weeks because I just couldn't stop thinking about how great that game was and how the next game I was playing wasn't TLOU. I know it may sound weird to some but that is why it will always hold a high place in terms of my video game hobby (been playing games since my dad brought home an Atari in the 80s) and why I am totally willing to buy a remastered version that will improve on the games playability.

If it was ported a day, a year or 20 years down the road it is still a port and I am still buying it ;)

I'm old enough to remember when Nintendo, Sony and MS didn't even RELEASE remakes. Yes, that's right kids. There was a time when every game that was released was brand new. Crazy aint it?

prayformojo said:
I'm old enough to remember when Nintendo, Sony and MS didn't even RELEASE remakes. Yes, that's right kids. There was a time when every game that was released was brand new. Crazy aint it?

Yeah, and not true.

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I really don't care about this being a re-release. Do you guys have any idea how many times I bought Tomb Raider Legend? No big deal to me. My thing is this: ANY of you motherfuckers that talked shit about Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (which I also bought) and is now suddenly hyped about The Last of Us on PS4 can suck my dirty black cock because you are a HYPOCRITE.

Rafux said:
phaedruss said:
Rafux said:
Lots o people are going to double dip too, I'm gonna.

Perfect example. "Double dipping" ugh makes me cringe every time someone says this.

Whats you problem? Gifted my PS3 and games to my younger brothers when I bought a PS4 and I want o play TLOU again with the DLC and the online is pretty solid too.

Is 10-12 hour long, has online, DLC included (Story an online maps), 1080p/60fps, 50 bucks. I don't see the scam here is not like MS not giving you an option with Kinect originally on the X1.

Why what other people do with their money affects you in any way, stop being so bitter about meaningless shit.

I can tell I'd like you.. lol Perfectly said (: 

d21lewis said:
I really don't care about this being a re-release. Do you guys have any idea how many times I bought Tomb Raider Legend? No big deal to me. My thing is this: ANY of you motherfuckers that talked shit about Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (which I also bought) and is now suddenly hyped about The Last of Us on PS4 can suck my dirty black cock because you are a HYPOCRITE.

Kinda.. Not quite the same because of the PC. A lot of the negativity came from that side and I somewhat agree with them

Though, despite having the pc version, i still bought it (after a price drop) because i like the game so much, wanted to try to get the plat trophy and wanted to get used to the new Lara face, assuming it'll be the one used in the sequel(s).

Sometimes you just like some games so much that you are okay with double dipping. Sometimes it can be for a more visually appealing experience, others for extra content, others simply to support developers (I do this mainly with smaller devs). nothing wrong with that. I'd trade many games out there (to list a few of the big upcoming ones, Evolve, AC Unity, Destiny, etc) for TLOU HD. And I say this without any shame.

Nor should XB1 owners feel ashamed if their most interesting title this year is Halo MCC. that's fine.

The way i see it, The PS4 version of TLOU gives PS4 only users a chance to play one of the best games of last generation but a definitive version. However if you so happen to love the game so much that you want to purchase it a second time, then that is that persons choice and should be respected.

I myself wont be purchasing the ps4 version. The game is a master piece and is well deserving of all the praise it gets but i've already played/ beaten it and would rather use my money on something else.

I'm excited for The Last of Us Remastered because the original version killed my backward compatible PS3 after I finished the game only once. I didn't get to play the online mode much, and I didn't get to play the DLC. 

Being that it's my game of the seventh gen, getting the TLoU PS4 bundle is a no-brainer. There's enough content in there to warrant a purchase for me.