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Forums - Sony Discussion - "I don't get the point of TLOU Remastered"

DerNebel said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
Euphoria14 said:

They must also not understand the point of Wind Waker HD, GTA V on PS4/XBone or GoTY Editions.

Actually I don't see anyone really complaining about those, but PS4 is winning right now, so TLoU warrants complaining, since it costs $50, just like WWHD and actually less than your typical GoTY Edition.

Just ignore those people.

Except TLoU is a game that was released a year and a half ago with no original plans to bring it to the PS4. The new "remastered" version is only a graphics increase with DLC. Meanwhile, WWHD is a decade old game which was truly remastered, and GTA4 was planned to come to the nextgen platforms regardless.

The bottom line is this: TLoU: RM is a port. No more and no less. When people get excited for a port, thats when you know they have no games to play.

That's exactly the kinda crap I was talking about with this thread, other rereleases are great but TLOU is shit and unneeded.

I mean seriously? Do you know that a lot more work went into TLOU RE than into WW HD, which was done mostly by 4 people and in 6 months time? How is WWHD "truly remastered" while TLOU RE is "only a graphics increase with DLC"? Because the game is older?

And GTA V is ok, since it was apparently planned to come to next gen platforms regardless, what spin is this? Not only is it news to me that GTA V for next gen was planned from the start, but it's also ok to rerelease your game on new platforms a year after its original release, if you planned to do so from the beginning, but not if you didn't plan to but instead saw demand for the next gen version and thus decided to do it? BS.

The bottom line is: getting excited for one of the best games ever to release in an even better state on your platform does not mean that you have no games to play.

Bottom line:

TLOU IS GOTG haters just mad

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d21lewis said:
I really don't care about this being a re-release. Do you guys have any idea how many times I bought Tomb Raider Legend? No big deal to me. My thing is this: ANY of you motherfuckers that talked shit about Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (which I also bought) and is now suddenly hyped about The Last of Us on PS4 can suck my dirty black cock because you are a HYPOCRITE.

I'm getting TLoU PS4 bundle at the end of the month despite already having it for my [now dead] PS3. And Tomb Raider Definitive Edition is on my radar shortly after I got that console, even if I already got the PC version. Plus... I already got the Wind Waker special edition Wii U, despite owning the Gamecube version and having completed the game plenty of times. All 3 of those games are phenomenal and deserve a double dipping in my book.

So I understand your pain.

QuintonMcLeod said:
Euphoria14 said:

They must also not understand the point of Wind Waker HD, GTA V on PS4/XBone or GoTY Editions.

Actually I don't see anyone really complaining about those, but PS4 is winning right now, so TLoU warrants complaining, since it costs $50, just like WWHD and actually less than your typical GoTY Edition.

Just ignore those people.

WWHD is a decade old game which was truly remastered

Yeah, truly remastered in glorious 30fps. A decade old game.

Raziel123 said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

WWHD is a decade old game which was truly remastered

Yeah, truly remastered in glorious 30fps. A decade old game.

Careful there. Some people still believe the game to be 60fps... xD

Here is the point: a lot of people that had Xbox 360s and Wiis last gen now own a PS4, these dudes never played The Last of Us.
Also, a lot of PS3 owners will also buy the remastered version for the DLC, multiplayer and better presentation;
And, futhermore, THE LAST OF US is THAT DAMN GOOD: you have to play it in 2 diferent generations.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

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phaedruss said:
I see the point of it in that way, I just don't get people who have played it, and those who have played it several times already, getting excited about a year old port.

Enthusiasts exist in the world; its not ill-natured of someone to look forward to something that they just recently experienced even though its a rehash. I've beaten the game 5 times or so and am still hyped for the game on PS4. Why? Because I like the game that much and I believe an upgrade in visuals, gameplay, sound and included on-disc DLC is worth the $50.

Euphoria14 said:
QuintonMcLeod said:
Euphoria14 said:

They must also not understand the point of Wind Waker HD, GTA V on PS4/XBone or GoTY Editions.

Actually I don't see anyone really complaining about those, but PS4 is winning right now, so TLoU warrants complaining, since it costs $50, just like WWHD and actually less than your typical GoTY Edition.

Just ignore those people.

Except TLoU is a game that was released a year and a half ago with no original plans to bring it to the PS4. The new "remastered" version is only a graphics increase with DLC. Meanwhile, WWHD is a decade old game which was truly remastered, and GTA4 was planned to come to the nextgen platforms regardless.

The bottom line is this: TLoU: RM is a port. No more and no less. When people get excited for a port, thats when you know they have no games to play.

Umm,  TLOU released June 13, 2013 and the Remaster is July 31st, 2014. That is not a year and half. Plus, as I said it has a resolution bump, a fps bump from 30 to 60 and includes all DLC.

It is not much different from your typical GoTY Edition except that it has a significant quality bump.



Keep hating though.

Don't you get it? A year or even a year and a half is a short time to release a "remastered" game. You're just saying what I've already said.

jnemesh said:

OK, enough of this "Sony is in the hole" crud!  Sony Computer Entertainment is NOT in the hole!  Sony Corporation is in the hole, but in the middle of a MASSIVE restructuring.  Sony Corporation also has a market cap of $17.5 BILLION dollars!  They aren't going bankrupt, they aren't going away, and the restructuring and losses of the PARENT CORPORATION have NOTHING to do with how SCE conducts it's business!  /end rant

Isn't that sweet, you honestly don't think that a parent corporation being in the whole will affect how its subsidiaries do business...  

I never said they would go bankrupt, and this isn't an argument about Sony's money problems so most of the stuff you just said was irrelevant.  

QuintonMcLeod said:

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Don't you get it? A year or even a year and a half is a short time to release a "remastered" game. You're just saying what I've already said.

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What's the big deal? What's so wrong with releasing a remastered/definitive edition on a new consoles just a years and then some later? Please, give me some good reasons why it's bad.

I just don't get the hype and the praise for a remaster of a game that is like a year old. To me its basically a GOTY edition which are great and all but hardly article after article worthy or allt he attention this is getting.

Halo or WW remasters are different cause they are like 10 year old games. See the difference? TIME. If they remaster Uncharted 1, that would be worth talking about, but TLOU? It's as i said barely a year old. (could be wrong on the age of game, but it feels like it just came out)