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Forums - Sony Discussion - "I don't get the point of TLOU Remastered"

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
IkePoR said:
Blood_Tears said:
Considering 31% of PS4 owners have come from Wii/X360 this is a great opportunity for those gamers to play this game.

Wow I wish I could know who bought what system last gen and that they bought PS4 this gen.  How do you do it?!

Additionally to that survey of market researchers Sony should know which share of PSN-accounts are connected to PS3-hardware, to PS4-hardware or both.

Perhaps they announce some stats from their own data at GamesCom or TGS.

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BraLoD said:
It will sell nuts


Conina said:
kupomogli said:
DerNebel said:

So how do people still refuse to understand the point of TLOU RE?

Because it's yet another port.  Not a cross gen title.  A port.

So what's the difference between a port and a cross-gen title or any other multiplatform title?

They have one lead platform and every additional version is a port in most parts. Doesn't matter if all versions are released the same day, with a month difference, half a year, a whole year or ten years.

And the fact that Sony and Naughty Dog didn't announce the PS4-version earlier doesn't mean that they hadn't planned an additional PS4 version right from the beginning... it was probably planned cross-gen years ago.

That's even worse then because they're holding back one version in hopes that people buy it a second time when they release it on the console people would rather have had it on in the first place.  Not a fan of devs that fuck their fanbase over because of greed either.

kupomogli said:
Conina said:
kupomogli said:
DerNebel said:

So how do people still refuse to understand the point of TLOU RE?

Because it's yet another port.  Not a cross gen title.  A port.

So what's the difference between a port and a cross-gen title or any other multiplatform title?

They have one lead platform and every additional version is a port in most parts. Doesn't matter if all versions are released the same day, with a month difference, half a year, a whole year or ten years.

And the fact that Sony and Naughty Dog didn't announce the PS4-version earlier doesn't mean that they hadn't planned an additional PS4 version right from the beginning... it was probably planned cross-gen years ago.

That's even worse then because they're holding back one version in hopes that people buy it a second time when they release it on the console people would rather have had it on in the first place.  Not a fan of devs that fuck their fanbase over because of greed either.

That is a valid interpretation, another valid interpretation is that they are pacing their development and release of exclusives to mediate the rampant droughts that plagued last generation.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

I never had a PS3 so I can't wait to try this.

Also it always looked like one of those weird late gen games that are clearly being made with tools intended for next gen in mind imo, so perhaps this is the game they always intended.

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kupomogli said:
Conina said:

And the fact that Sony and Naughty Dog didn't announce the PS4-version earlier doesn't mean that they hadn't planned an additional PS4 version right from the beginning... it was probably planned cross-gen years ago.

That's even worse then because they're holding back one version in hopes that people buy it a second time when they release it on the console people would rather have had it on in the first place.  Not a fan of devs that fuck their fanbase over because of greed either.

Don't quote me on that. ;)  It's just a thought, no fact.

But some companies keep such ports / multiplatform developments secret all the time. For GTA games the mystery of a PC version (and this time an additional PS4 + XBO version) has tradition. ;)

Or the PC versions of Dead Rising 3, Alan Wake, Brütal Legend, Burnout Paradise, Condemned, Halo 2, Gears of War, Mass Effect...

Wright said:

Well, I still struggle to get the point of GUN on 360, so yes, I struggle to get the point of TLOU Remastered :P

I guess the point is that a remastered port is literally better than nothing and better for consumers then including a 200$ ps3 in the PS4.

Its not like its replacing a game, if Naughty Dog didn't release this, then they wouldn't release anything for the PS4 until 2015 at the earliest. And with the PS4 having no gaems, this is clearly not an option.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Wright said:

Well, I still struggle to get the point of GUN on 360, so yes, I struggle to get the point of TLOU Remastered :P

I guess the point is that a remastered port is literally better than nothing and better for consumers then including a 200$ ps3 in the PS4.

Its not like its replacing a game, if Naughty Dog didn't release this, then they wouldn't release anything for the PS4 until 2015 at the earliest. And with the PS4 having no gaems, this is clearly not an option.

The PS3 game could be a download for PS+ subscribers...

KLXVER said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Wright said:

Well, I still struggle to get the point of GUN on 360, so yes, I struggle to get the point of TLOU Remastered :P

I guess the point is that a remastered port is literally better than nothing and better for consumers then including a 200$ ps3 in the PS4.

Its not like its replacing a game, if Naughty Dog didn't release this, then they wouldn't release anything for the PS4 until 2015 at the earliest. And with the PS4 having no gaems, this is clearly not an option.

The PS3 game could be a download for PS+ subscribers...

Which still cannot be played on a PS4.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
KLXVER said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Wright said:

Well, I still struggle to get the point of GUN on 360, so yes, I struggle to get the point of TLOU Remastered :P

I guess the point is that a remastered port is literally better than nothing and better for consumers then including a 200$ ps3 in the PS4.

Its not like its replacing a game, if Naughty Dog didn't release this, then they wouldn't release anything for the PS4 until 2015 at the earliest. And with the PS4 having no gaems, this is clearly not an option.

The PS3 game could be a download for PS+ subscribers...

Which still cannot be played on a PS4.

They cant make a PS3 game as a PS4 download...?