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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So the 3DS has a better chance of hitting 100 million then the PS4.

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I don't think either will hit 100 million, I'm expecting the PS4 to sell around 85-90M, and the 3DS to sell 75-80M units.

Current consoles: Wii U, Gaming PC

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This thread is so bad that I won't even dignify it with a tired meme that noone would have found funny.

Fusioncode said:
tbone51 said:
TheGoldenBoy said:
There is not much wrong with the OP . . .

Fixed :P

You don't actually believe that the 3DS has any shot in hell at hitting 100m do you?

And I see you still have no idea what "peaked" means Kaizar. How old are you again?

I actually believe it can hit 200m :0 (60mil minimum, maybe just maybe 75mil depending on what nintendo can do!


"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

There're situations where a thread is so bad and uninformed that the creator honestly deserves to be banned for it, this is one of those occasions. What a joke.

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Unless something big happens with 3DS again, I think it will be around 80 million if they are lucky. I see PS4 sales slowing down. Hype and not enough games imo and nothing is making them profit and won't for a year. Even said themselves 2015 won't be profitable either and here Nintendo not worried because with all the good changes made with Wii U, it's not wonder they have finally said they forcast a huge amount of profit.

This prediction is worse than my old ones.

At least I knew the meaning of the word "peaked"

Even if I don't believe the PS4 has a good chance of hitting 100m, at least it's early days and far more unpredictable.

3DS's fate has pretty much been sealed, 100m seems extremely unlikely.

DerNebel said:
There're situations where a thread is so bad and uninformed that the creator honestly deserves to be banned for it, this is one of those occasions. What a joke.

He is actually quite good at what he is doing. I'd rather see quality threads like these rather than the pointless drivel most people post. At least it is fun.

Yes it does

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