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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Zelda U: The Zelda title the Wii U deserves, but not the one it needs?

Cheebee said:
Imo the overall style looks more like TP than SS, apart from Link's character model.

It looks much more bright and colorful than Twilight Princess, from what I could see.

The vibrant color usage is similar to Skyward Sword, just a slight bit toned down, and with a copious amount of graphical effects thrown in.

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I wont be buying it.
So I dont think it will move as many systems as a Miyamoto made Zelda.


Art style means everything to me in Zelda.

but ill get over it in a few years. ~Thank you Stefl1504 for the amazing sig~

I really hope cell-shaded Link is a temporary model holder. I am DONE with cel shading, I loathe it more than peas, and I can't f**king stand peas. 

When 3rd party zombi-U can do realistic character models, there's no excuse for a lack of HD Link.

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey 

Raze said:

I really hope cell-shaded Link is a temporary model holder. I am DONE with cel shading, I loathe it more than peas, and I can't f**king stand peas. 

When 3rd party zombi-U can do realistic character models, there's no excuse for a lack of HD Link.

this i was so exicted to see what link would look like with wii u graphics

but nope lets just reuse skyward sword graphics ~Thank you Stefl1504 for the amazing sig~

It is what it is. I personally liked the fluidity of the animation, reminded me of a Ralph Bakshi cartoon.

That said for commercial purposes it's undeniable that the non-cartooney 3D Zeldas with a grown up Link have simply sold a lot better than the two than were cartoony (Wind Waker and Skyward Sword) and that's fairly hard to dispute.

At this point I'm just going to enjoy my Wii U. I know it's not going to sell 20 million+, if even that, but there's some good games and I give Nintendo some points for at least trying some surprising things like Spaltoon and funding Devil's Third.

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VanceIX said:
Cheebee said:
Imo the overall style looks more like TP than SS, apart from Link's character model.

It looks much more bright and colorful than Twilight Princess, from what I could see.

The vibrant color usage is similar to Skyward Sword, just a slight bit toned down, and with a copious amount of graphical effects thrown in.

Well yeah, it's more bright and colourful, but I wasn't saying it looked exactly like TP - just that to me it's more similar to that game's graphical style than SS's. Especially the part in the forest when Link's pursued by that enemy.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Raze said:

I really hope cell-shaded Link is a temporary model holder. I am DONE with cel shading, I loathe it more than peas, and I can't f**king stand peas. 

When 3rd party zombi-U can do realistic character models, there's no excuse for a lack of HD Link.

They're going to do cel-shading, it's Anouma. He wants to build on Skyward Sword, never mind the fact that a good amount of the community wasn't impressed with it.

The game looks great, but it feels like they missed out on a mjor opportunity. A realistic Zelda like the one shown at E3 could have brought the Wii U back from the dead.

This looks good, and I'm sure it'll be a lot better than Skyward Sword, but I doubt it pushes Wii U sales. 

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Yeah it has a very strong whiff of Skyward Sword to it.

Now I'm not complaining about it, it looks utterly fantastic. But I understand why some might say "eh" to it.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Cheebee said:
VanceIX said:
Cheebee said:
Imo the overall style looks more like TP than SS, apart from Link's character model.

It looks much more bright and colorful than Twilight Princess, from what I could see.

The vibrant color usage is similar to Skyward Sword, just a slight bit toned down, and with a copious amount of graphical effects thrown in.

Well yeah, it's more bright and colourful, but I wasn't saying it looked exactly like TP - just that to me it's more similar to that game's graphical style than SS's. Especially the part in the forest when Link's pursued by that enemy.

Twilight Princess was much darker, the forest here looks like the forest region from Skyward Sword with better shadowing. Plus, Link's character model just screams Skyward Sword in terms of the copious amound of cel-shading used.

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I'm pretty sure it both needs and deserves this lol