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Raze said:

I really hope cell-shaded Link is a temporary model holder. I am DONE with cel shading, I loathe it more than peas, and I can't f**king stand peas. 

When 3rd party zombi-U can do realistic character models, there's no excuse for a lack of HD Link.

They're going to do cel-shading, it's Anouma. He wants to build on Skyward Sword, never mind the fact that a good amount of the community wasn't impressed with it.

The game looks great, but it feels like they missed out on a mjor opportunity. A realistic Zelda like the one shown at E3 could have brought the Wii U back from the dead.

This looks good, and I'm sure it'll be a lot better than Skyward Sword, but I doubt it pushes Wii U sales. 

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