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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Zelda U: The Zelda title the Wii U deserves, but not the one it needs?

curl-6 said:
Arius Dion said:

Tbh, though, after SS why would people be excited about Zelda again?

Because Skyward Sword was fantastic. :p

The combat and dungeon design are some of the best out there.

Don't forget about chasing those tad tones : )

Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.

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Arius Dion said:
curl-6 said:
Arius Dion said:

Tbh, though, after SS why would people be excited about Zelda again?

Because Skyward Sword was fantastic. :p

The combat and dungeon design are some of the best out there.

Don't forget about chasing those tad tones : )

I saw nothing wrong with that segment and honestly don't see why it's disliked.

Samus Aran said:
Arius Dion said:
Same shit different gen. Show a great tech demo then pull the okey doke and bust out a lame anime cel-shaded 'creative' artstyle. Smh, Why can't the Zelda team, with Aonuma at its helm, deliver what the majority of fans are yearning for?

The proof is in the pudding, Twilight Princess was the best selling Zelda since OoT, SS was a sale flop, WWHD is a non factor for Wii U momentum.

It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Its like going to an ice cream shop because outside there is a banner that shows a vanilla ice cream cone, you walk in and the owner tells you, well we wanted to try something different, here's butter pecan sorbet. Wtf?

Tbh, though, after SS why would people be excited about Zelda again? The game was terrible.

Lol, what a bunch of whining for a beautiful artstyle. Zelda is about the gameplay. 

Skyward Sword sold poorly because it came out on a dying console (game took way too much development time) and used the Wiimotion+ peripheral. The game looks nothing like WWHD and Skyward Sword anyway. 

Didn't know criticism of any kind would be considered whining. Excuses though, still sound like excuses. If SS was a better game, it wouldn't have sold as poorly as it did. Zelda was about more than just gameplay in its prime. It's largely a niche game now. 
It looks like SS in HD to me, and that's not what the marjority of Zelda fans let alone mainstream gamers are asking for in their Zelda.

Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.

Wyrdness said:

No it wouldn't otherwise many other games with that graphical approach would have done better, the are games already out that have that visual approach you're heavily overestimating that visual approach's overall affect, the people you're referring to only care about the CODs and such and are oblivious to anything outside of such games. The only people it would have been enough for are already Zelda fans or already have an interest in it, Zelda has never really been a massive system seller since OOT and a lot of that was due to the jump to 3D, it's always been a complimentary AAA title for the library, MK8, Smash, NSMB, Wii Series etc... These are the system sellers while Zelda is one of those games like Last of Us which are much better games and compliment the system sellers. This is why Nintendo has been securing games like Bayonetta 2 and DT because these are the games that catch that demographics attention not Zelda.

Twilight Princess was a major system seller, it's what brought in the early "hardcore" Wii owners who dismissed Wii Sports as "gimmicky."

And I think you overestimate gamers if you think a huge amount of them aren't hung up on whether something is "cool", and don't see bright cartoon graphics as "uncool". Look at the all the "Nintendo games are kiddy" BS for example.

Zero999 said:
VanceIX said:

This looks like an HD Skyward Sword. That's what Zelda fans have been asking for?

It looks good, but nothing new. A dark, gritty Zelda like Twilight Princess would do better financially as it would show people that the Wii U has power and can do realistic games.

No one is aaking for photorealistic, but what they showed at E3, even slightly downgraded, would have lit the internet on fire by now.

bolded: no, it doesn't. HD is just resolution. if anything, Zelda U looks like a mix of what's the best in WW, TP and SS, while being made in super high polygon, high texture, high everything. AND it's in HD.

bolded 2: Zelda U is litting the internet. most people loved it.

1. HD is a colloquial term for visual improvement, especially when referring to upgraded visuals. It looks little like Wind Waker or Twilight Princess, imo. The color usage and the bright/dark levels are pretty much evolutionary of Skyward Sword's art style.

2. Many people love it, yes. But how long will the hype really last? Most of the people excited for it are Zelda fans who already have a Wii U. I, for one, am super hyped for it. But it's not the type of Zelda to bring in too many new gamers. People are looking for better graphics, as shallow as that may sound, and a cartoon Zelda will not help sway them. 

People like me and you appreciate the beauty of the game. The reality is, most people couldn't care less. All they see is the cartoon world of Zelda, compared to a realistic world of the Elder Scrolls or Grand Theft Auto or Dragon Age on the other consoles, and choose the others. Unfair? Yes. But it's reality. 

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Arius Dion said:
Same shit different gen. Show a great tech demo then pull the okey doke and bust out a lame anime cel-shaded 'creative' artstyle. Smh, Why can't the Zelda team, with Aonuma at its helm, deliver what the majority of fans are yearning for?

The proof is in the pudding, Twilight Princess was the best selling Zelda since OoT, SS was a sale flop, WWHD is a non factor for Wii U momentum.

It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Its like going to an ice cream shop because outside there is a banner that shows a vanilla ice cream cone, you walk in and the owner tells you, well we wanted to try something different, here's butter pecan sorbet. Wtf?

Tbh, though, after SS why would people be excited about Zelda again? The game was terrible.

I agree from now on Nintendo needs to stop with the Zelda tech demos. There's no point in doing that, getting a bunch of your fanbase riled up, and then giving them something very different a few years later. Just don't do it in that case. 

Since WW:HD became one of my favorite games of all time, i am just too bias to talk about this.

But i am very happy.

Arius Dion said:
Samus Aran said:
Arius Dion said:
Same shit different gen. Show a great tech demo then pull the okey doke and bust out a lame anime cel-shaded 'creative' artstyle. Smh, Why can't the Zelda team, with Aonuma at its helm, deliver what the majority of fans are yearning for?

The proof is in the pudding, Twilight Princess was the best selling Zelda since OoT, SS was a sale flop, WWHD is a non factor for Wii U momentum.

It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Its like going to an ice cream shop because outside there is a banner that shows a vanilla ice cream cone, you walk in and the owner tells you, well we wanted to try something different, here's butter pecan sorbet. Wtf?

Tbh, though, after SS why would people be excited about Zelda again? The game was terrible.

Lol, what a bunch of whining for a beautiful artstyle. Zelda is about the gameplay. 

Skyward Sword sold poorly because it came out on a dying console (game took way too much development time) and used the Wiimotion+ peripheral. The game looks nothing like WWHD and Skyward Sword anyway. 

Didn't know criticism of any kind would be considered whining. Excuses though, still sound like excuses. If SS was a better game, it wouldn't have sold as poorly as it did. Zelda was about more than just gameplay in its prime. It's largely a niche game now. 
It looks like SS in HD to me, and that's not what the marjority of Zelda fans let alone mainstream gamers are asking for in their Zelda.

You're criticisms are whining. You're talking to someone who didn't like Skyward Sword by the way. 

Please look at vids of Skyward Sword run in 1080p on a Dolphin Emulator and compare it to Skyward Sword. Then come back and tell me it looks alike. 

My favorite Zelda is Twilight Princess, but I'm glad I appreciate more than just dark gritty Zelda's. 

curl-6 said:
Wyrdness said:

No it wouldn't otherwise many other games with that graphical approach would have done better, the are games already out that have that visual approach you're heavily overestimating that visual approach's overall affect, the people you're referring to only care about the CODs and such and are oblivious to anything outside of such games. The only people it would have been enough for are already Zelda fans or already have an interest in it, Zelda has never really been a massive system seller since OOT and a lot of that was due to the jump to 3D, it's always been a complimentary AAA title for the library, MK8, Smash, NSMB, Wii Series etc... These are the system sellers while Zelda is one of those games like Last of Us which are much better games and compliment the system sellers. This is why Nintendo has been securing games like Bayonetta 2 and DT because these are the games that catch that demographics attention not Zelda.

Twilight Princess was a major system seller, it's what brought in the early "hardcore" Wii owners who dismissed Wii Sports as "gimmicky."

And I think you overestimate gamers if you think a huge amount of them aren't hung up on whether something is "cool", and don't see bright cartoon graphics as "cool". Look at the all the "Nintendo games are kiddy" BS for example.

Nope Wiisports and the low price was the system seller, many people who Wiisports brought in bought TP eventually want to know what else backs this the game only sold 1.6m on GC, TP rode Wiisports success and was the only other game of note for months on the Wii in the first year. Also don't try putting words in my mouth I know gamers like what looks cool my point is it doesn't mean they'd buy it like you and many others think this is why Nintendo stopped trying to cater to their whims in developing their games.

Zero999 said:

Why do people keep saying that zelda sells or not because of the artstyle?

This is from Aonuma's GDC 2007 presentation:

"As some of you know, at E3 2004, we unveiled the game that would become Twilight Princess, the realistic Zelda game, and we announced that it was developed by the team that had been developing Wind Waker 2. Actually, there was a reason that that decision was made at the time. At one point, I had heard that even Wind Waker, which had reached the million mark in sales, had become sluggish in North America, where the market was much healthier than in Japan. I asked NOA why this was. What I was told was that the toon-shading technique was, in fact, giving the impression that this Zelda was for a younger audience and that, for this reason, it alienated the upper teen audience that had represented the typical Zelda player. Having heard that, I began to worry about whether Wind Waker 2, which used a similar presentation, was something that would actually sell."

Personally, I don't mind that art-style (well, at least not that much), so I'll have no problem enjoying the game (along with my kids, specially now that they've seen it is 'big' Link instead of 'small'). But teens these days, very audience that Nintendo wants to sell their game to, are not into that.

Whether tech demo style is better art style or not is up to personal preference...but looking at the past, it seems that it would help the sales.


P.S. I'm breaking my rule here in hope you can maintain at least semi-argumented debate ;)