Nintendo’s E3 Presentation May Have Leaked Through Social Media
In a reported leak through social media, by way of Facebook’s news feed, Nintendo’s entire E3 lineup may have leaked in photo form via Reddit.
Posted by Reddit user “dragonquest,” what appears to be a viable E3 show floor lineup for Nintendo has been leaked in image form, and shared within the hour, including titles such as Mario Party 10, Super Mario Sunshine HD remake, and more, pictured below. Though this listing may not reflect all the titles in their hour long presentation, given that this is a show floor listing of hands-on titles, we can be fairly certain that this showing should be a large piece of the presentation.
Given that all titles listed appear to be legitimate, it’s nice to have a slice of what’s to come from Nintendo, but it really is too bad that we won’t be hearing anything about a Zelda title outside of the Dynasty series.
Source: http://powerleveled.com/nintendos-e3-presentation-may-have-leaked-through-social-media/