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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games with the strongest atmosphere.

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Oh, forgot about Bioshock. That game oozes atmosphere.

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All Bioshock games
Xenoblade Chronicles
Metroid Prime 1 and 2 (3 lost some of the atmosphere imo)
Fallout 3
Mass Effect series

There's probably a lot more, but those are the ones that come to mind atm

Nintendo and PC gamer

Bioshock Infinite
Final Fantasy IX
Heavy Rain
L.A. Noire
Resident Evil - Gamecube
The Last of Us
Fable II
Metroid Prime
Super Metroid
Dark Souls
Child of Light
Diablo III
Shadow of the Colossus

melbye said:
Can't believe no one said Dead Space yet

I did. ;)

BioShock, Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy IX, Metroid Prime Trilogy, etc...

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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silent hill, max payne, resident evil, gta vice city and san andreas, red dead redemption

I hear Transistor has a pretty thick atmosphere. Anyone played it yet?

Bioshock, Mass Effect, Resident Evil 4, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime.

Resident Evil 4, especially the village, that was something I really missed in 5 and 6.

Resident Evil 3/4, Metro 2033 and LL, Silent Hill 1,2,3,SM, Uncharted series, God of War series, Sands of Time trilogy. Those are the ones that come to mind.

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