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Forums - General Discussion - Report: Sony Paid $400 million for Warner Bros' Blu-Ray move

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PooperScooper said:

Its amazing what this site can do

Have you changed your mind about that pizza offer yet?

 Hmmm.. That price seems too good to be true. Sometimes there are scams on craigslist.. Maybe the guy is really rich and just needs to get rid of it.. but if somebody were rich they would likely have space to put it in. I dunno.. buyer beware!

PooperScooper said:
Starcraft you're too much for me. You are such a conspiracy theorist. Looking for facts that aren't there. Accept the fact HD-DVD lost because they sucked and Warner knew that and went Blu

Well given that this is an official report that collaborates other rumours that were around just after Warner switched.....

We saw how much Toshiba and MS were willing to pay for Paramount, don't naively think they didn't bid and then get outbid by Sony and their partners.

Also, conspiracy theorist?  This from the guy that simply refuese to believe that the Xbox 360 shortage is anything other than a deliberate 'demand-creating' shortage or necessary to fix Rrod machines. LOL. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Oh starcraft you are such a hoot. I never said it was demand creating. I said there is a reason for it. And it isnt "we fogrot to make enough" and it isnt "our demand is too high" Well given that this is an official report that collaborates other rumours that were around just after Warner switched..... anyone else see the irony

damkira - I agree about the buy beware stuff. that is just an example though. the tv seems ancient so maybe he wants to upgrade. You could get a 720p LCD for 800 dollars now. 500 isn't that cheap for the type of TV it is. I didn't have to buy the stand and HD turner when i bought my TV.

They could be interchanging Sony for the BDA, much like most articles concerning the format war do. Considering the fact that Matsushita (Panasonic) has more to gain from a Blu-Ray victory than Sony does, and considering the fact that they are by far the largest CE in Japan, it's more likely that they paid the $400 mil. than Sony.

Actually, it's more likely that many companies from the BDA contributed to the $400 mil.

That is assuming that these reports of a payoff are correct.

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Girl Gamer Elite said:
Pooper Scooper you're almost as annoying as your avatar. What is wrong with Blu-Ray? It's a sudden shift in the market just shortly after DVD had become the mainstay that doesn't benefit the consumer in anyway other than it gives you a better picture and sound if you have a super expensive TV.

BLU-RAy is to DVD as Windows Vista is to Windows XP basically.

Sounds like the jump in consoles we get every generation.  If you don't care about superficial luxuries, then why do you play video games?

Coca-Cola said:
I know there are differences between HDDVD and BR, but I don't see much difference. Movie studios went with a format that brought them money and will continue to do so.
I wish they would have supported both formats.

Do you think BR players prices will drop faster now? They don't have the competition from HDDVD, but they will have it with each other (Sony vs. Toshiba vs. samsong vs. LG . . .)

 And they have competition with the ps3.  Sony is forced to drop prices because of the console wars, and the other CEs are forced to drop prices to keep up.

makingmusic476 said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Pooper Scooper you're almost as annoying as your avatar. What is wrong with Blu-Ray? It's a sudden shift in the market just shortly after DVD had become the mainstay that doesn't benefit the consumer in anyway other than it gives you a better picture and sound if you have a super expensive TV.

BLU-RAy is to DVD as Windows Vista is to Windows XP basically.

Sounds like the jump in consoles we get every generation. If you don't care about superficial luxuries, then why do you play video games?

 I lol'd.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Girl Gamer Elite said:
PooperScooper said:

So what I gathered from you is "blah blah blah i cant afford technology blah" got it.(i bought my 1080i for 100 dollars.) How old are you? you sound like my grandpa who can't remember the technological moves and wonders what happened to his record player.

And you are an animal hater at that. how depressing.

Blu-ray is to Dvds as Ferrari's are to Geo's. Ashera's are to Tabby's. USA is to Ethiopia.


And you just made my argument for me. The Problem is only a minority of the public want or can afford a Ferrari much ales see the value in one over a far more economic Geo. Blu-Ray is the same way.

If the public can't have or don't want something, then it will fail. Though from what I gathered from you, "Blah blah blah, i can afford it so that means it will do well so long as I buy it".

I wasn't aware 1080i TVs are going for 100 dollars now, how big is it? 8"x6" screen?

 Hmm I don't know about American prices but in Australia I can buy a 1080p 40inch LCD tv for $2000 (1800 US)

Which is just over 2 weeks pay for me. And this is full HD. 1080i or below televisions are much cheaper. Btw comparing a  ferrari's price to a hi def tv or bluray is hilarious and shows either your ignorance or your willingness to just come out with negative anti Sony statements even if they don't make sense.

Btw he was referring to quality and obviously didn't imply the cost is the same. 

Keep in mind Ferraris will always be a rich man's toy where as hi def will be for the masses  




As a blu-ray player the Ps3 is destined for an increase in sales permanently - my prediction of 23 million by end of 2008 was wrong it may be significantly higher.

I think next weeks figures will show PS3 outselling the X360 in the US by over 10% after matching it this week . Expect over 90K per week in the US alone for the next 3 months or more.

In 3 weeks paramounts/Dreamworks latest movies will begin appearing on blu-ray and this will push the weekly Ps3 sales past the Wii  for a time in 2008.

Once the next price cut/manufacturing improvement happens ie 45nm cell and 65nm RSX the Ps3 will exceed the Wii in sales as A Blu-ray player not as a games machine. !

A theorised 400million bribe ! if it were this much we will hear about it - toshiba and Paramout never managed to kept their 180mil deal secret.  Sony shareholders will see it in the annual shareholders report if 400 million magically vanished. Fact is there probably was no such deal, Blu-ray won by consumers buying it 2:1 over Hd-DVD and it will save the Movie industry from a diminishing DVD market.

Expect PS3 well over 23 million by end 2008. and near 50million by end 2009.


PS3 number 1 fan