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As a blu-ray player the Ps3 is destined for an increase in sales permanently - my prediction of 23 million by end of 2008 was wrong it may be significantly higher.

I think next weeks figures will show PS3 outselling the X360 in the US by over 10% after matching it this week . Expect over 90K per week in the US alone for the next 3 months or more.

In 3 weeks paramounts/Dreamworks latest movies will begin appearing on blu-ray and this will push the weekly Ps3 sales past the Wii  for a time in 2008.

Once the next price cut/manufacturing improvement happens ie 45nm cell and 65nm RSX the Ps3 will exceed the Wii in sales as A Blu-ray player not as a games machine. !

A theorised 400million bribe ! if it were this much we will hear about it - toshiba and Paramout never managed to kept their 180mil deal secret.  Sony shareholders will see it in the annual shareholders report if 400 million magically vanished. Fact is there probably was no such deal, Blu-ray won by consumers buying it 2:1 over Hd-DVD and it will save the Movie industry from a diminishing DVD market.

Expect PS3 well over 23 million by end 2008. and near 50million by end 2009.


PS3 number 1 fan