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Forums - General Discussion - Report: Sony Paid $400 million for Warner Bros' Blu-Ray move

Naraku_Diabolos said:
CrazzyMan said:
Whatever. Blu-ray format FTW! =))


re fixed. take your stupidity elsewhere

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PooperScooper said:
Naraku_Diabolos said:
CrazzyMan said:
No Speculations.
Whatever. Superficial Luxury format FTW! =))


re fixed. take your stupidity elsewhere

Re-Re fixed. Go eat Pizza somewhere else.

Girl Gamer Elite said:
PooperScooper said:
Naraku_Diabolos said:
CrazzyMan said:
No Speculations.
Whatever. Superficial Luxury format FTW! =))


re fixed. take your stupidity elsewhere

Re-Re fixed. Go eat Pizza somewhere else.

Oh don't be like that. Why don't you like me GGE =( I just want to share a pizza with you thats all.

But honestly I got to ask. What's your issue? Whats wrong with luxury? can you not afford it? Seriously what's wrong with the format? if people have a choice between a ford or a lexus chances are they will take the lexus. Since most of us can't afford them though we settle with Fords. People like nice things. I'm being serious here.

ssj12 said:
Warner said they wish they were paid by Sony to go exclusive to Blu-ray so this article is incorrect.

Actually at the time the Warner statementhad a lot of holes in it that would have meant they didnt actually LIE if they did get paid, they just mislead.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Starcraft you're too much for me. You are such a conspiracy theorist. Looking for facts that aren't there. Accept the fact HD-DVD lost because they sucked and Warner knew that and went Blu

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Pooper Scooper you're almost as annoying as your avatar. What is wrong with Blu-Ray? It's a sudden shift in the market just shortly after DVD had become the mainstay that doesn't benefit the consumer in anyway other than it gives you a better picture and sound if you have a super expensive TV.

BLU-RAy is to DVD as Windows Vista is to Windows XP basically.

I know there are differences between HDDVD and BR, but I don't see much difference. Movie studios went with a format that brought them money and will continue to do so.
I wish they would have supported both formats.

Do you think BR players prices will drop faster now? They don't have the competition from HDDVD, but they will have it with each other (Sony vs. Toshiba vs. samsong vs. LG . . .)

So what I gathered from you is "blah blah blah i cant afford technology blah" got it.(i bought my 1080i for 100 dollars.) How old are you? you sound like my grandpa who can't remember the technological moves and wonders what happened to his record player.

And you are an animal hater at that. how depressing.

Blu-ray is to Dvds as Ferrari's are to Geo's. Ashera's are to Tabby's. USA is to Ethiopia.


PooperScooper said:

So what I gathered from you is "blah blah blah i cant afford technology blah" got it.(i bought my 1080i for 100 dollars.) How old are you? you sound like my grandpa who can't remember the technological moves and wonders what happened to his record player.

And you are an animal hater at that. how depressing.

Blu-ray is to Dvds as Ferrari's are to Geo's. Ashera's are to Tabby's. USA is to Ethiopia.


And you just made my argument for me. The Problem is only a minority of the public want or can afford a Ferrari much ales see the value in one over a far more economic Geo. Blu-Ray is the same way.

If the public can't have or don't want something, then it will fail. Though from what I gathered from you, "Blah blah blah, i can afford it so that means it will do well so long as I buy it".

I wasn't aware 1080i TVs are going for 100 dollars now, how big is it? 8"x6" screen?

Its pretty big. I'd say its 32 inches. It's a CRT or whatever they are called. Not plasma or LCD