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Forums - Sales Discussion - Now that PS4 and X1 are both going to be $399, which will now sell better?


Who will sell better after sales settle?

I think the PS4 will be ahead 1,012 82.28%
I think the X1 will be ahead 80 6.50%
I think it's anyone's game 137 11.14%
PaypayTR said:
i dont care which one will sell more but i will buy xbox one
and i was only ps gamer ( ps1 ps2 ps3 psp even shitty vita) but its enough i dont want to play indie titles or only single player focused games anymore .until sony release good multiplayer games i dont touch playstation brand anymore

@ bold... that allows me to completely call bullshit on your entire statement. i would be willing to bet you never owned a ps console

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Vasto said:
Now its all about the games and that's the way its supposed to be.

That's the first time you've posted something that hasn't enraged me.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

setsunatenshi said:
PaypayTR said:
i dont care which one will sell more but i will buy xbox one
and i was only ps gamer ( ps1 ps2 ps3 psp even shitty vita) but its enough i dont want to play indie titles or only single player focused games anymore .until sony release good multiplayer games i dont touch playstation brand anymore

@ bold... that allows me to completely call bullshit on your entire statement. i would be willing to bet you never owned a ps console

I own a Vita and call it shitty sometimes.  I've also owned every playstation console released except PS4. Having owned those previous Playstation platforms can take a lot steam out of owning a Vita.  Especially when the backwards compatability  is spotty and fractured by licensing issues or ports with bad frame rates.  SCEA are also pretty stingy with new content for it.  A lot of people would call that shitty.  

Thinking ill of Vita is does not necessitate never owning a PS console.  I would imagine that never having had a playstation would give a more positive impression when dumped into the Vita Libary.  You just have all that content and no context.  I've owned all those playstations already. Purely talking about Vita games it may have some undeniable quality but quantity is what I am accustomed to as a seasoned playstation owner.  Vita games alone simply don't live up to the quantity I've come to expect as a playstation customer.  

TheDrill said:
BeElite said:
darkshadow23 said:
I think worldwide they will be close for a while then PS4 will gradually take the lead. US will definitely be Xbox though.

same was said in march with the TF give away unoffical price cut, member what happend?

PS4 only outsold X1 in total sales in USA by ~ 10 %,  a price cut can make X1 catch up in a month, and then take the lead from there.

No it cant, its parity not price advantage X1 is getting.  It will never take the lead for the simple fact its an inferior product in damn near every possible way.  onyl way to ever take the lead would be a massive prices advantage over the PS4, akin to 360s over the PS3

nitekrawler1285 said:

I own a Vita and call it shitty sometimes.  I've also owned every playstation console released except PS4. Having owned those previous Playstation platforms can take a lot steam out of owning a Vita.  Especially when the backwards compatability  is spotty and fractured by licensing issues or ports with bad frame rates.  SCEA are also pretty stingy with new content for it.  A lot of people would call that shitty.  

Thinking ill of Vita is does not necessitate never owning a PS console.  I would imagine that never having had a playstation would give a more positive impression when dumped into the Vita Libary.  You just have all that content and no context.  I've owned all those playstations already. Purely talking about Vita games it may have some undeniable quality but quantity is what I am accustomed to as a seasoned playstation owner.  Vita games alone simply don't live up to the quantity I've come to expect as a playstation customer.  

The hardware is absolutely amazing, how can you ever call it shitty? I could conceive someone saying they would like certain games to be released on it (some type of GTA, GoW, etc) or wanting lower prices for the memory cards. Personally the main thing that I wish would be to have the full JP library of games localized. I look at the top of the software list and see Sword Art Online while thinking... damn... only in JP so far!


Still, none of these things make the Vita shitty in itself. I have a ton more awesome games for it than my 3ds that everyone seems to find amazing (after their huge price cut)

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BeElite said:
TheDrill said:

PS4 only outsold X1 in total sales in USA by ~ 10 %,  a price cut can make X1 catch up in a month, and then take the lead from there.

No it cant, its parity not price advantage X1 is getting.  It will never take the lead for the simple fact its an inferior product in damn near every possible way.  onyl way to ever take the lead would be a massive prices advantage over the PS4, akin to 360s over the PS3

That's some beautiful Sony indoctrination you got there. (Whistles impressively)

Nevermind that is not fact but opinion and totally subjective, it is arguable X1 has a edge on system sellers, online services, and LIVE in general.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
BeElite said:

No it cant, its parity not price advantage X1 is getting.  It will never take the lead for the simple fact its an inferior product in damn near every possible way.  onyl way to ever take the lead would be a massive prices advantage over the PS4, akin to 360s over the PS3

That's some beautiful Sony indoctrination you got there. (Whistles impressively)

Nevermind that is not fact but opinion and totally subjective, it is arguable X1 has a edge on system sellers, online services, and LIVE in general.

And has still yet to outsell the PS4 for at least 2 consecutive weeks now that both consoles are "properly" stocked.

not subjective btw.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Now Im will Buy Xbox one!!! i cant wait more...

sales2099 said:
BeElite said:
TheDrill said:

PS4 only outsold X1 in total sales in USA by ~ 10 %,  a price cut can make X1 catch up in a month, and then take the lead from there.

No it cant, its parity not price advantage X1 is getting.  It will never take the lead for the simple fact its an inferior product in damn near every possible way.  onyl way to ever take the lead would be a massive prices advantage over the PS4, akin to 360s over the PS3

That's some beautiful Sony indoctrination you got there. (Whistles impressively)

Nevermind that is not fact but opinion and totally subjective, it is arguable X1 has a edge on system sellers, online services, and LIVE in general.

be fair, he said 'near'. and i'm pretty sure even i could argue the PS4 has the upper hand in the paid online services this generation (ps+) as well as software department, both numbers (objective measure) and quality (subjective). Even the fact that MS is following Sony's lead and reversing their policies (from the DRM debacle to the recent removal of the camera, games with gold and finally taking the online paywall from blocking some of the apps) ever since E3 2013 is the recognition they were being left behind.

sales2099 said:
BeElite said:
TheDrill said:

PS4 only outsold X1 in total sales in USA by ~ 10 %,  a price cut can make X1 catch up in a month, and then take the lead from there.

No it cant, its parity not price advantage X1 is getting.  It will never take the lead for the simple fact its an inferior product in damn near every possible way.  onyl way to ever take the lead would be a massive prices advantage over the PS4, akin to 360s over the PS3

That's some beautiful Sony indoctrination you got there. (Whistles impressively)

Nevermind that is not fact but opinion and totally subjective, it is arguable X1 has a edge on system sellers, online services, and LIVE in general.


Facts PS4s hardware is superior, PS brand is bigger PS library is bigger PS has better 3rd party games has more support has more indies Plus is better.

So x has what exactly ? better servers and thats it.