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Forums - Sales Discussion - Now that PS4 and X1 are both going to be $399, which will now sell better?


Who will sell better after sales settle?

I think the PS4 will be ahead 1,012 82.28%
I think the X1 will be ahead 80 6.50%
I think it's anyone's game 137 11.14%

I think worldwide they will be close for a while then PS4 will gradually take the lead. US will definitely be Xbox though.

Around the Network
GribbleGrunger said:

I'd say in America and the UK they'll sell equally but in the rest of the world nothing will change.

Yeah, that's a sad story for the rest of the world...

The ps4 will still sell more but iam geting a xbone


A gamer using his brain of course will buy a PS4, the only one with a future, look at 7th generation.

darkshadow23 said:
I think worldwide they will be close for a while then PS4 will gradually take the lead. US will definitely be Xbox though.

same was said in march with the TF give away unoffical price cut, member what happend?

Around the Network

Globally, I think PS4 takes it, for obvious reasons.

In the US and in the UK, x1 already outsold ps4 by a bit for a month, and ps4 only sold like 10 % more in total units, it's not hard for X1 to catch up.

BeElite said:
darkshadow23 said:
I think worldwide they will be close for a while then PS4 will gradually take the lead. US will definitely be Xbox though.

same was said in march with the TF give away unoffical price cut, member what happend?

PS4 only outsold X1 in total sales in USA by ~ 10 %,  a price cut can make X1 catch up in a month, and then take the lead from there.

Anfebious said:
The Xbox On has way better chances right now. A new king is born!

Xbox On?! Damn, how did I miss that announcement?

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I think it wiil be a good reason for vg to continue overtrack the xbone sales at least is a good exuse, not offense just saying



ABTR said:
I think it wiil be a good reason for vg to continue overtrack the xbone sales at least is a good exuse, not offense just saying

Exact :)