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What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%
Augen said:
Hey, could use a little help. My wife is obsessed with Diablo on the PS3 and is losing her mind waiting to get UEE of it on PS4. So, if anyone could tell me a decent Diablo like game on PS3 or PS4 be appreciated. Big thing is it has to have 2 player local co op.

Perhaps Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light on PSN? My wife really enjoyed it...

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Former Famitsu Editor in Chief and Kadokawa and Enterbrain head honcho Hirokazu Hamamura is one of the men best positioned to be in the know of what’s going to happen in the Japanese gaming industry, and yesterday he held a special seminar at the YouTube Space Tokyo in Roppongi Hills as part of the the YouTube Gamers’ Day event.

During the seminar Hamamura-san mentioned that the performance of the PS4 in Japan isn’t as good as expected, and while the numbers aren’t terrible per se, it cannot be denied that they pale in comparison to sales in North America and Europe.

He continued by revealing that despite the fact that the Japanese market is by its own nature dominated by mobile games, talking to a major developer he heard that at a game show there will be a big announcement that could help accelerate Sony’s new console’s local performance.

Hamamura-san did not explicitly mention which game show he was talking about,  but he used the anglicized version “gemushou,” which in Japan normally indicates Tokyo Game Show. Considering that he’s talking about the Japanese market, it would only make sense for the announcement to happen at TGS.

What will the announcement be about? That’s a complete mystery, and while Hamamura-san’s wording seems to indicate a third party developer, he did not give any further details. The most probable theory is a PS4 release of a very popular Japanese franchise, and there are quite a few candidates there, including Tales of, Persona, Dragon Quest (Square Enix recently mentioned that the possibility of the franchise returning to Sony consoles exists) and more.

Unfortunately we’ll have to wait for the announcement in order to know for sure.

celador said:
TheGoldenBoy said:
poklane said:

I wonder if Sony would announce both a JRPG and Guerrilla's RPG at the same time...

Doubt Guerrilla's RPG will be revealed this year.

Maybe not a full reveal but hopefully we wil get a teaser like what they did for Uncharted

I honestly don't even want to see that. I'd rather when they finally show us the game it is a full reveal and with the assumption that it will release within a year. I'm pretty sure Uncharted was only teased because the non-gaming section of the E3 conference was sure to turn off some people and Naughty Dog was getting a lot of speculation thrown at them. 

Hmm no doubt we'll get quite a few important PS4 announcements on TGS, we pretty much already know that PS4 has a Tales of, Ys, Yakuza and Disgaea (or whatever it's spelled) games in development, plus those officially announced. Problem is, they are all coming in 2015 and beyond and PS4 has barely anything to look forward to in 2014 on the Japanese front, and the sales will plummet. They already have.
We can only hope that it won't mean that devs will get scared looking at the numbers, and won't cease development because of it.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

A Dragon Quest on PS4 would probably be the biggest possible announcement that could come out of TGS and it'd also be extremely interesting to see how well the once biggest franchise in Japan would fare on a home console nowadays.

And it'd be probably the second ever Dragon Quest I'd play, I only played 8 before and I liked it but also felt that it was a little too oldschool for me and as far as I've heard 9 hasn't really moved away from that.

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It's not going to be DQ, guys. Don't get your hopes up. Not MH either. I'm going to say it's either a new IP that looks hot or a reasonably sized JRPG franchise coming to PS4.

The One and Only

Ka-pi96 said:
Thinking about possible PS4 JRPGs, what about Persona 5? It is supposed to be releasing end of this year, shouldn't be too difficult to do a PS4 release as well as/instead of the PS3 release.

I would love that, but I don't think that'd be worth a Gamescom announcement (though I'm dying to finally get some information on that game)

Ka-pi96 said:
Thinking about possible PS4 JRPGs, what about Persona 5? It is supposed to be releasing end of this year, shouldn't be too difficult to do a PS4 release as well as/instead of the PS3 release.

That would be awesome. I'm going to buy P5 regardless of the platform, but being able to play it without the traditional 7th gen limitations would be great (720p, shitty AA, unstable 30fps etc).

So I'm wondering...given the recent activity...what is the consensus on Toastboy? Is he a legit Microsoft astroturfer? Is he doing it out of pure, money-free love to Microsoft? Or is he actually just pulling our leg? He does those threads and then has a good laugh?

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

eFKac said:
So I'm wondering...given the recent activity...what is the consensus on Toastboy? Is he a legit Microsoft astroturfer? Is he doing it out of pure, money-free love to Microsoft? Or is he actually just pulling our leg? He does those threads and then has a good laugh?

Something inbetween those two I'd say.