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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U rides on Mario Kart

ps4tw said:
Kasz216 said:

How do I explain what... that they sold well? Considering the dynamics behind the Wii Sales, yes, you need to explain what demographics are involved.

A game can't get past 2 million on a system without broad base average appeal. According to who? I'm guessing that figure is completely arbitrary?

As for effecting how the system sold,  I'd guess though many casual average people bought the gamecube specifically for those games. What basis are you using for that guess?

Gamecube launched strong.  Well stronger then it's sales deserved.  

It's a big reason why Nintendo decided to hold back those games when the Wii Launched... because those games DO move the needle with the average audience. Define the "average" audience, and why so far no game has succeeded in moving the WiiU, more so when we compare 2D Mario on Wii to WiiU.

As for like super extender permanent software increases.  A signle game never sustains console sales long term by itself.   It takes a marathon of software.  The WiiU has plenty of games out so far, so why would this one suddenly tip everything?

Games like Call of Duty have yearly releases.  Had they not, i imagine you'd see an identical effect.

Questions in bold.

1) Again I don't understand your question or it's basis in the arguement.

2) It's based on just... game sales.  2 Million is a pretty good barometer when you look at it.  It's what denotes the difference between say, a Platnium game and a very similar game that sells much better.

3)  The very next setence?  Obviously.   Those games brought in average users early on, they didn't stick around because they didn't really have anything the average person would be interested aftewords though.

4)  Average audience = the majority of people who buy videogames.    

5)Why has no game so far succeeded in moving the Wii U?   Because it's somewht of a conceputal trainwreck.  The tablet controllers are way to expensive for what they provide, and they donn't innovate gameplay in a large way like the wiimote, basically making the Wii U too expensive for it's specs and too weak technically for multiplatform support.

6)  I don't see where I said it would tip everything.  All I said is that Mario Kart is a game the mass market quite cares about.  I imagine you'll see a significant uptick in sales launch week, and a coupe weeks after,  same for smash too...

Then a huge uptake in software sales for those two games when/if Wii U gets to a cheaper mass price fast enough.

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Kasz216 said:

1) Again I don't understand your question or it's basis in the arguement. Will the same customers be back for MK8?

2) It's based on just... game sales.  2 Million is a pretty good barometer when you look at it.  It's what denotes the difference between say, a Platnium game and a very similar game that sells much better. So 2 million is a figure pulled out of the air then. 

3)  The very next setence?  Obviously.   Those games brought in average users early on, they didn't stick around because they didn't really have anything the average person would be interested aftewords though. So more guess work...

4)  Average audience = the majority of people who buy videogames.  Happy to agree then that audience are not then the majority of MK Wii owners?

5)Why has no game so far succeeded in moving the Wii U?   Because it's somewht of a conceputal trainwreck.  The tablet controllers are way to expensive for what they provide, and they donn't innovate gameplay in a large way like the wiimote, basically making the Wii U too expensive for it's specs and too weak technically for multiplatform support. Will a game, or selection of games, then ever be able to get over that hurdle? I say no. 

6)  I don't see where I said it would tip everything.  All I said is that Mario Kart is a game the mass market quite cares about.  I imagine you'll see a significant uptick in sales launch week, and a coupe weeks after,  same for smash too... If the mass market cares about Mario Kart, then why the low GC sales and low N64 sales? You can't claim the mass market likes a game and then no one actually buys the console for which said game is on. MK is a game that only Nintendo fans care about. The difference with the Wii is seen with 2D mario very clearly. Casuals buy games with "nintendo" on it because they don't care enought to look around, and Nintendo fans always buy Nintendo titles (SB on GC sales). 

Then a huge uptake in software sales for those two games when/if Wii U gets to a cheaper mass price fast enough.

Same again

Skeeuk said:
I believe Mario kart wont do anything

Watch hardware sales when it comes out... ;)

curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
sethnintendo said:

I just wanted to state the obvious.  Mario Kart is the Wii U last hope for relevance in the console race.  I could elaborate more on this op but I will do so later in this thread when I am more sober. 

Erm, no...sorry, but no game can save a console flopping this hard. Unless they release a game that actually dishes out blowjobs, its sales are going to remain the same and just get worse.

You're delusional. Want to make a bet right now that Wii U will stay at a 30k baseline or under for the rest of it's life? Cos that's what you're saying.

Yup, I'll bet that happily. 

It is a known fact that games have never saved consoles. Price cuts do. New hardware does. not.

Now when we look at the WiiU have an average of 30k sales for the last year bar the handful of weeks around the launch of a new title or holidays, the other 40+ weeks of the year are ~30k.

But please, do bring up the examples of a game that has made a console sell tons for a continuous period (geninue question - I nor has anyone else found this, but if you can then heck, maybe the WiiU could pull off some miracle).

TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

Erm, no...sorry, but no game can save a console flopping this hard. Unless they release a game that actually dishes out blowjobs, its sales are going to remain the same and just get worse.

You're delusional. Want to make a bet right now that Wii U will stay at a 30k baseline or under for the rest of it's life? Cos that's what you're saying.

Yup, I'll bet that happily. 

It is a known fact that games have never saved consoles. Price cuts do. New hardware does. not.

Now when we look at the WiiU have an average of 30k sales for the last year bar the handful of weeks around the launch of a new title or holidays, the other 40+ weeks of the year are ~30k.

But please, do bring up the examples of a game that has made a console sell tons for a continuous period (geninue question - I nor has anyone else found this, but if you can then heck, maybe the WiiU could pull off some miracle).

Ok, a bet it is; Wii U will not sell over a baseline of ~30k any week for the rest of it's life. I say it will. What stakes?

And that's easy, Donkey Kong Country.

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curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

Erm, no...sorry, but no game can save a console flopping this hard. Unless they release a game that actually dishes out blowjobs, its sales are going to remain the same and just get worse.

You're delusional. Want to make a bet right now that Wii U will stay at a 30k baseline or under for the rest of it's life? Cos that's what you're saying.

Yup, I'll bet that happily. 

It is a known fact that games have never saved consoles. Price cuts do. New hardware does. not.

Now when we look at the WiiU have an average of 30k sales for the last year bar the handful of weeks around the launch of a new title or holidays, the other 40+ weeks of the year are ~30k.

But please, do bring up the examples of a game that has made a console sell tons for a continuous period (geninue question - I nor has anyone else found this, but if you can then heck, maybe the WiiU could pull off some miracle).

Ok, a bet it is; Wii U will not sell over a baseline of ~30k any week for the rest of it's life. I say it will. What stakes?

And that's easy, Donkey Kong Country.

Bringing up a game from 20 years ago. Lol. Market not changed you think?

ps4tw said:

Bringing up a game from 20 years ago. Lol. Market not changed you think?

If you want a newer example, look no further than Halo 3 or Wii Sports.

curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

Erm, no...sorry, but no game can save a console flopping this hard. Unless they release a game that actually dishes out blowjobs, its sales are going to remain the same and just get worse.

You're delusional. Want to make a bet right now that Wii U will stay at a 30k baseline or under for the rest of it's life? Cos that's what you're saying.

Yup, I'll bet that happily. 

It is a known fact that games have never saved consoles. Price cuts do. New hardware does. not.

Now when we look at the WiiU have an average of 30k sales for the last year bar the handful of weeks around the launch of a new title or holidays, the other 40+ weeks of the year are ~30k.

But please, do bring up the examples of a game that has made a console sell tons for a continuous period (geninue question - I nor has anyone else found this, but if you can then heck, maybe the WiiU could pull off some miracle).

Ok, a bet it is; Wii U will not sell over a baseline of ~30k any week for the rest of it's life. I say it will. What stakes?

And that's easy, Donkey Kong Country.

Wow, so you didn't read what I posted - I highlighted the part you ignored.

I said it won't save the console. It will have sales spikes around the launch of the game, as it has with some of its other titles, but that will be it. When sales are some of the worst ever seen for 80% of the time, that won't save it.

Erm, how did DKC save it, and also why do you think the market is the same after 20 years?

TheJimbo1234 said:

Wow, so you didn't read what I posted - I highlighted the part you ignored.

I said it won't save the console. It will have sales spikes around the launch of the game, as it has with some of its other titles, but that will be it. When sales are some of the worst ever seen for 80% of the time, that won't save it.

Erm, how did DKC save it, and also why do you think the market is the same after 20 years?

So you contradict yourself; first you say "its sales are going to remain the same and just get worse."

Then you backpedal to: " bar the handful of weeks around the launch of a new title or holidays "

So your first statement was wrong, thanks, that admission was all I wanted.

ps4tw said:
mysteryman said:

You keep going off on tangents. We're talking about high-selling games (not) having broad appeal (and how it somehow only applies to Nintendo).

There  were of plenty of NFS titles on the Wii, but more importantly kart-racers which directly compete with Mario Kart, which contradicts your argument that there was no competition. Sonic Racing sold very well, and was a quality title. Also, ExciteTruck didn't exactly set any sales records, it's a casual racing Nintendo title, why weren't all the Nintendo fans buying that in droves?

Your argument seems now to be, that casuals bought Mario Kart Wii, but this would completely contradict your previous argument, as this implies that the game has broad appeal.

It's not a tangent but you aren't appreciating how it's not as black and white as you claim it is.

Oh come on, any self respecting gamer wouldn't get a NFS game on the Wii - watered down piss-poor ports. And by karters you mean shovelware karting games? Casuals did buy MK Wii, something I've always said, because there was no other genuine competition - you have to remember these casuals have no idea about gaming, releases etc, therefore with the Wii, Nintendo titles were always going to dominate over 3rd market games. They didn't buy MK because they thought it was the best karting game and loved Mario, they bought it because it was probably the only racing game they knew about for the Wii and had good social aspects. 

However, if we remove the casuals from the equation because they don't care about the WiiU, then that means the only people who will buy MK 8 are the die hard Nintendo fans, which are the ones who already have a WiiU - it'll be SB for the GC all over again.

You label buyers of Wii NFS titles as "non-self-respecting gamers", and buyers of Mario Kart Wii as "casuals"; aren't these the same group? Even according to your logic, there would still be competition for racing games, as it is the same group of people buying them. And I didn't realise that Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing was shovelware.

There's a lot of guess work going on here for someone that calls out others for the same. Don't be a hypocrite.

Again, the argument you made was that a game without broad appeal could sell over 9 million copies, but you have failed to give an example. You claim that "casual gamers" don't count, but it is they who prove the broad appeal.

Then you use the logical fallacy of denying the antecedent, that a game that doesn't sell well can't have broad appeal, to try and show other entries of the Mario Kart series don't have broad appeal. This does not take into account other factors that could lead to not purchasing the game, despite any appeal.