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TheJimbo1234 said:
curl-6 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

Erm, no...sorry, but no game can save a console flopping this hard. Unless they release a game that actually dishes out blowjobs, its sales are going to remain the same and just get worse.

You're delusional. Want to make a bet right now that Wii U will stay at a 30k baseline or under for the rest of it's life? Cos that's what you're saying.

Yup, I'll bet that happily. 

It is a known fact that games have never saved consoles. Price cuts do. New hardware does. not.

Now when we look at the WiiU have an average of 30k sales for the last year bar the handful of weeks around the launch of a new title or holidays, the other 40+ weeks of the year are ~30k.

But please, do bring up the examples of a game that has made a console sell tons for a continuous period (geninue question - I nor has anyone else found this, but if you can then heck, maybe the WiiU could pull off some miracle).

Ok, a bet it is; Wii U will not sell over a baseline of ~30k any week for the rest of it's life. I say it will. What stakes?

And that's easy, Donkey Kong Country.