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Forums - Movies & TV - Star Wars Episode VII Cast Announced

After the weak prequel Star Wars trilogy series (Episodes 1 to 3). It is hard to be enthusiastic about the next trilogy (Episodes 7 to 9).

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KylieDog said:
Nem said:

Seriously? Abrahams revived Star Trek. You should be thankful.

No he didnt, since the last two 'Trek' movies abandoned everything defining about Trek.

Including the fact that they werent sucessful anymore. 

Cmon, its a reboot. Throw away your past misconceptions and embrace the new.

No Ahmed Best?

(made you google.. teehee..)


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 


shikamaru317 said:
Nem said:
Fusioncode said:
So JJ Abrams is done ruining Star Trek? Alright, hope he does better with this franchise. The cast looks promising enough. I'm curious to see what kind of creature Andy Serkis will be playing. Though I hate the idea of bring back the original trio, do we have to force a bunch of tired 70 year olds relive their glory days? Do we really want a repeat of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?

Seriously? Abrahams revived Star Trek. You should be thankful.

He butchered the canon and made an action movie with little in the way of substance. I usually like Abrams but he did wrong by Star Trek. His new Star Trek movies aren't horrible but they're a far cry from what makes Star Trek, Star Trek.  

The Star Trek movies are awesome! Stop the QQ and enjoy them.

Honestly... theres no pleasing some Trekkies. Just the fact that Cumberbatch was in it, just makes it 10x better. Amazing actor.

You want more exposition? You arent gonna get it on a movie. Try to lobby for a new TV series. Notice that if not for the new movies, such a lobby would be hopeless.

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glad to see the original cast back

padib said:
Nem said:

The Star Trek movies are awesome! Stop the QQ and enjoy them.

Honestly... theres no pleasing some Trekkies. Just the fact that Cumberbatch was in it, just makes it 10x better. Amazing actor.

You want more exposition? You arent gonna get it on a movie. Try to lobby for a new TV series. Notice that if not for the new movies, such a lobby would be hopeless.

I kind of agree wit him though. The new Trek was mostly about action and icons of the past. We need some moviemakers who put more time into quality dialogue, which involves a bit of humor and less tense moments.

Recent movies put a lot of emphasis on Epicness, and I think that makes them lose that charm that classics of the past used to have (Star Wars included).

That is all very vague. You want better dialogue? What is better dialogue? As i said, if you want more exposition like the past movies, you either get a new TV series or you make movies that arent sucessful.

Its like Star Trek wasnt this dead franchise that could have kept on going the way it was.

shikamaru317 said:

Abrams and his team had every oppurtunity to please Trekkies, all he had to do was listen to the criticisms about the 1st movie, but instead he ignored them entirely. All it would have took to please us is a exploration plot that didn't butcher the canon. They were even considering an exploration plot at one point during it's development but then decided to do yet another summer thrills action movie, and by reviving Kahn no less, when they had previously said in interviews that they wouldn't revive Kahn because it was too risky. Exploration is what Star Trek is about first and foremost, not action. 

As for a TV series, they'll probably never make a new one that's set in the Prime Universe that follows the formula of the old shows now, we'd end up with some crap that the fans don't even want just like Stargate Universe. 

First, its a reboot. It isnt butchering any canon, its a new story, not a remake.

As for the TV series i dunno, thats why you should lobby for what it is you want on feedback channels. I think that a new series based on the movie universe would be very doable now and maybe give you the exploration sci-fi you want to see.

Look on the bright side though, the next movie has to be about exploration. Though i gather you will be disappointed cause it has to continue to be an action movie, otherwise people  dont want to watch it.

padib said:
Nem said:

That is all very vague. You want better dialogue? What is better dialogue? As i said, if you want more exposition like the past movies, you either get a new TV series or you make movies that arent sucessful.

Its like Star Trek wasnt this dead franchise that could have kept on going the way it was.

I'm not saying that. I understand what happened to the franchise because my favorite series was Enterprise.

But what I was considering valuable (dialogue, humor) is something I value in all movies, not just Star Trek shows/movies.

What I mean is that the franchise was revived in one way, I don't think it was the best, for me personally.

What is humor? One of my favorite movie series is Indiana Jones. If you watch it again and pay attention to the humor, you will see what I mean. It's certainly got action, and certainly has movie icons (after the 1st one), but it's very whitty and very funny all the while not being a comedy movie. The characters relate to each other in more than one way (angst) and are interesting to watch interact.

It's really not that vague when you pay attention to these things in movies.

I thought the movie had humor... in particular the relationship between Kirk and spock and the bits with Scotty. I wonder if this is all not in the way you face the movie.

Maybe you mean a more lighthearted mood. I'm just not sure they have much time for that in a 2 hour movie.

shikamaru317 said:

"... or you make movies that aren't sucessful"

Nem, you seem to think the previous Star Trek movies were total flops or something. Star Trek 4, which is my favorite Star Trek movie btw, made $133 million on a $21 million dollar budget, that's a success by any measure, especially once adjusted for inflation into modern dollars (when adjusted for inflation it made more than Abram's "Into Darkness" domestically).

No, but you have to realise that the times have changed and the later movies, the next-generation ones did progressively worse.

We are in an era where people dont have patience for exposition anymore. They want entertainment this instant. To be able to deliver that and a compelling sci-fi movie isnt easy.

The original star wars movies did deliver on alot of fronts, but when looking at the prequals, what were peoples reactions to jar jar binks? They dont want silly and light hearted, they want realistic and action. I'm not saying you are wrong, i understand what you and padib want. I just think it will be difficult to pull off in the current market. That is why i keep saying that your best hope is a new TV series.