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shikamaru317 said:
Nem said:
Fusioncode said:
So JJ Abrams is done ruining Star Trek? Alright, hope he does better with this franchise. The cast looks promising enough. I'm curious to see what kind of creature Andy Serkis will be playing. Though I hate the idea of bring back the original trio, do we have to force a bunch of tired 70 year olds relive their glory days? Do we really want a repeat of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?

Seriously? Abrahams revived Star Trek. You should be thankful.

He butchered the canon and made an action movie with little in the way of substance. I usually like Abrams but he did wrong by Star Trek. His new Star Trek movies aren't horrible but they're a far cry from what makes Star Trek, Star Trek.  

The Star Trek movies are awesome! Stop the QQ and enjoy them.

Honestly... theres no pleasing some Trekkies. Just the fact that Cumberbatch was in it, just makes it 10x better. Amazing actor.

You want more exposition? You arent gonna get it on a movie. Try to lobby for a new TV series. Notice that if not for the new movies, such a lobby would be hopeless.