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padib said:
Nem said:

The Star Trek movies are awesome! Stop the QQ and enjoy them.

Honestly... theres no pleasing some Trekkies. Just the fact that Cumberbatch was in it, just makes it 10x better. Amazing actor.

You want more exposition? You arent gonna get it on a movie. Try to lobby for a new TV series. Notice that if not for the new movies, such a lobby would be hopeless.

I kind of agree wit him though. The new Trek was mostly about action and icons of the past. We need some moviemakers who put more time into quality dialogue, which involves a bit of humor and less tense moments.

Recent movies put a lot of emphasis on Epicness, and I think that makes them lose that charm that classics of the past used to have (Star Wars included).

That is all very vague. You want better dialogue? What is better dialogue? As i said, if you want more exposition like the past movies, you either get a new TV series or you make movies that arent sucessful.

Its like Star Trek wasnt this dead franchise that could have kept on going the way it was.