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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why I feel Knack and Ryse: Son of Rome are best launch titles.

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sales2099 said:

Fair enough. I am saying that while their metas are near identical, most core gamers you approach would prefer Ryse due to those points I mentioned.

That said, that is just my take and hope this doesn't escalate (that goes for others who read this!). These are the flops of our launches need to get defensive here (not you celador but prospective fans).

Even PS4 owners would agree with you there ;)

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GotBoth said:
Slade6alpha said:
I really enjoyed Ryse (needed deeper combate and more gameplay elements IMO), but haven't played, or bought Knack yet.

In terms of deeper content, what would you add? Because as I mentioned it sticks to reality and roman style of fighting.  You want magic or weapons that werent used in that era or something?  Curious to what gameplay elements you would want.  I think an issue as we as gamers make broad statements about what we want and indeed don't know what it is that we want.We just want the developer to come up with it out of thin air.

The swordplay in both Dark Souls and Ninja Gaiden have no magic and are way deeper and more satisfying than Ryse.

I'm calling you out here on points that I think are blatantly wrong because there's a lot in this thread I don't agree with. Just because your opinion is "different" doesn't mean it's right - or even worthwhile.

You are welcome to go play simple games without depth. There are tons of games like that out there and there will always be tons. But I get bored as hell doing the EXACT same thing I did on PS1 15 years later. And there are MILLIONS of people like me out there - not just a handful. We are the guys that buy 25-50 games for our consoles, who subscribe to PS+, and who get word of mouth started. The opinions in this group varies, and some like COD while others hate it. But these are the core gamers you asked about in one post to another user. It's not SO hard to quantify what a core gamer is. I've owned hundreds of games and 12 consoles in my life - I think that suffices as a criteria.

Shaunaka said:
sales2099 said:

Fair enough. I am saying that while their metas are near identical, most core gamers you approach would prefer Ryse due to those points I mentioned.

That said, that is just my take and hope this doesn't escalate (that goes for others who read this!). These are the flops of our launches need to get defensive here (not you celador but prospective fans).

Even PS4 owners would agree with you there ;)

Shaunaka said:
GotBoth said:
Shaunaka said:
GotBoth said:

 I HATE the AAA games because If I go on vacation and don't play for a week or so I have to look at the manual to remember the button scheme!

Hardly anyone else has that problem

And you and your capped at 100 friends from last gen consoles make up the majority. Because last time I checked the highest selling games sell 10 million+ and this forum and your gamer friends fall way short of that number let alone consoles sold

Excuse me, WHAT are you talking about!?

No seriously!? Are you getting upset or something here?

If this is an attempt at an argument then let me know - I'll gladly respond. But I think you're losing the plot a little.

GotBoth said:
Mr Puggsly said:
d21lewis said:
I don't know about Knack but I find myself wanting to play Ryse more and more as time passes. It can't be that bad, can it?

Ryse made me want a game like Ryse but better.

Its an interesting game, that's the best thing I can say about it.

Like I asked someone above, what is better. What in detail do you want? If you don't know you're just wishful thinking and pretty much whining and spoiled

In a nutshell, I'd like to see a deeper experience. What we got was a relatively simple combat system, the game was too reliant on QTEs and offered little variety. It felt like a 6 hour arcade game.

I like the idea of Ryse, a realistic hack n' slash game. There are aspects of the game I definitely enjoyed, but as a whole it was shallow experience. I wasn't left wanting more at the end, I was just left with a feeling of untapped potential.

A more ideal experience would be an open world RPG similar to Witcher 2, but with a similar (and deeper) combat system, setting, and story telling of Ryse.

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GotBoth said:
Chris Hu said:
GotBoth said:
Chris Hu said:
As far as replay value goes Forza 5 is the best launch title out of all the launch games I played it over 100 hours and I'm still not close to unlocking all the achievements the game has.

If IMO was in that statement I would agree but because YOU played Forza for over 100 hours doesn't make it "As far as replay value goes" the best lauch title.  It makes it your favor and your selected best but not the best.  Which is why in my thread title I put "I feel".  NOt just Why they "are" the best.

I'm pretty sure more people still play Forza 5 on a consistend basis also after you beat Ryse and Knack there isn't really much else to do even if you did most the stuff in Forza 5 you can always enjoy a few online games and there are alway new monthly online challenges.

And what evidence makes you sure?

The game has better legs then both Ryse and Knack also know its from personal experience.  Did the Long Beach Challenge this weekend and took a while before I could get into match started if fewer people played it would have been a lot easier.  I don't even know if Knack has a online mode and as for Ryse I heard that its pretty boring online.  Forza 5 on the other hand is pretty fun online and will be so for a while to come since they have monthly online endurance races and challenges and probably will have some more free DLC tracks in the near future.  Its rumored that Monza and Pacific Raceways will be tracks that will be added in the near future.

Forza 5 was the best launch game hands down imo. Ryse is the definition of a weekend rental.

TarHeeLsALLday said:
Forza 5 was the best launch game hands down imo. Ryse is the definition of a weekend rental.

Have to agree with you on that it also has had the best post launch suport out of all the launch games and still should get some future support I doubt that next month car pack will be the last one and it will probably get a few more DLC tracks also.

Mr Puggsly said:
GotBoth said:
Mr Puggsly said:
d21lewis said:
I don't know about Knack but I find myself wanting to play Ryse more and more as time passes. It can't be that bad, can it?

Ryse made me want a game like Ryse but better.

Its an interesting game, that's the best thing I can say about it.

Like I asked someone above, what is better. What in detail do you want? If you don't know you're just wishful thinking and pretty much whining and spoiled

In a nutshell, I'd like to see a deeper experience. What we got was a relatively simple combat system, the game was too reliant on QTEs and offered little variety. It felt like a 6 hour arcade game.

I like the idea of Ryse, a realistic hack n' slash game. There are aspects of the game I definitely enjoyed, but as a whole it was shallow experience. I wasn't left wanting more at the end, I was just left with a feeling of untapped potential.

A more ideal experience would be an open world RPG similar to Witcher 2, but with a similar (and deeper) combat system, setting, and story telling of Ryse.

Thats the problem with gamers, if you want a game like x, go buy x and play it until your hearts content. Ryse is not Witcher 2 or similar too it.  If thats the kind of game you like buy it.  Waiting One day and looking at youtube videos could have kept you from buying Ryse but you bought it and complained about gameplay when you could have not bought it and watched the reviews first.

Chris Hu said:
GotBoth said:
Chris Hu said:
GotBoth said:
Chris Hu said:
As far as replay value goes Forza 5 is the best launch title out of all the launch games I played it over 100 hours and I'm still not close to unlocking all the achievements the game has.

If IMO was in that statement I would agree but because YOU played Forza for over 100 hours doesn't make it "As far as replay value goes" the best lauch title.  It makes it your favor and your selected best but not the best.  Which is why in my thread title I put "I feel".  NOt just Why they "are" the best.

I'm pretty sure more people still play Forza 5 on a consistend basis also after you beat Ryse and Knack there isn't really much else to do even if you did most the stuff in Forza 5 you can always enjoy a few online games and there are alway new monthly online challenges.

And what evidence makes you sure?

The game has better legs then both Ryse and Knack also know its from personal experience.  Did the Long Beach Challenge this weekend and took a while before I could get into match started if fewer people played it would have been a lot easier.  I don't even know if Knack has a online mode and as for Ryse I heard that its pretty boring online.  Forza 5 on the other hand is pretty fun online and will be so for a while to come since they have monthly online endurance races and challenges and probably will have some more free DLC tracks in the near future.  Its rumored that Monza and Pacific Raceways will be tracks that will be added in the near future.

Thats still not concrete evidence.