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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why I feel Knack and Ryse: Son of Rome are best launch titles.

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New Super Mario Bros. U was a launch title.

That is all.

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NintendoPie said:
New Super Mario Bros. U was a launch title.

That is all.

Take it easy NinPie :O

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Shaunaka said:
Some of us like complex games.

I sometimes even wish the black/white buttons from the original Xbox controller stayed around because 6 face buttons is something I'd have liked to be standard.

Anyway, after reading the OP I just have to say: Stay far away from PC games. A game like Dota needs to be complex, and the incredible control you see with the pro gamers is something to behold - high skilled, high paced tactical war.

From reading your OP I'd say you should really get a Wii U. Different platforms cater to different audiences, and you sound 100% like the type of person that would love what Nintendo has to offer.

And those some are in the minority but parade around making it like that is law. There is an estimated near billion gamers and the VERY small percentage of pro gamers is a site but developers develop to reach a broad audience.

Chris Hu said:
GotBoth said:
Chris Hu said:
As far as replay value goes Forza 5 is the best launch title out of all the launch games I played it over 100 hours and I'm still not close to unlocking all the achievements the game has.

If IMO was in that statement I would agree but because YOU played Forza for over 100 hours doesn't make it "As far as replay value goes" the best lauch title.  It makes it your favor and your selected best but not the best.  Which is why in my thread title I put "I feel".  NOt just Why they "are" the best.

I'm pretty sure more people still play Forza 5 on a consistend basis also after you beat Ryse and Knack there isn't really much else to do even if you did most the stuff in Forza 5 you can always enjoy a few online games and there are alway new monthly online challenges.

And what evidence makes you sure?

sales2099 said:
GotBoth said:
sales2099 said:

Fair enough. I am saying that while their metas are near identical, most core gamers you approach would prefer Ryse due to those points I mentioned.

That said, that is just my take and hope this doesn't escalate (that goes for others who read this!). These are the flops of our launches need to get defensive here (not you celador but prospective fans).

That is the problem, what is a core gamer? someone who plays COD/AC/BF/Halo/Gears/Killzone/God of War? I don't think gamers who love those games are core gamers. I think core gamers like variety and grew up on Mario, Gauntlet, Crash and the other titles I mentioned.  Which I couldn't understand how someone who loved those games would transform into COD etc. lovers.

Now that is close minded-eletism on your part and is a gray area as people have different definitions. A core gamer to me anyway is a mindset, one that views video games as part of their day-to-day life,  not what you play. Because judging people on the games they play alone is a slippery slope.

Not a slippery slope when it's just words. I'm going based off what core means (ie foundation or origin).

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Mr Puggsly said:
d21lewis said:
I don't know about Knack but I find myself wanting to play Ryse more and more as time passes. It can't be that bad, can it?

Ryse made me want a game like Ryse but better.

Its an interesting game, that's the best thing I can say about it.

Like I asked someone above, what is better. What in detail do you want? If you don't know you're just wishful thinking and pretty much whining and spoiled

Shaunaka said:
GotBoth said:

 I HATE the AAA games because If I go on vacation and don't play for a week or so I have to look at the manual to remember the button scheme!

Hardly anyone else has that problem

And you and your capped at 100 friends from last gen consoles make up the majority. Because last time I checked the highest selling games sell 10 million+ and this forum and your gamer friends fall way short of that number let alone consoles sold

GotBoth said:
Shaunaka said:
Some of us like complex games.

I sometimes even wish the black/white buttons from the original Xbox controller stayed around because 6 face buttons is something I'd have liked to be standard.

Anyway, after reading the OP I just have to say: Stay far away from PC games. A game like Dota needs to be complex, and the incredible control you see with the pro gamers is something to behold - high skilled, high paced tactical war.

From reading your OP I'd say you should really get a Wii U. Different platforms cater to different audiences, and you sound 100% like the type of person that would love what Nintendo has to offer.

And those some are in the minority but parade around making it like that is law. There is an estimated near billion gamers and the VERY small percentage of pro gamers is a site but developers develop to reach a broad audience.

Wow. Ok.

Well those "billion" gamers mostly play around with crappy little simpleton games on their phones, and none of them frequent videogame websites.

But if you don't want complicated games then be my guest - there are tons of games for you out there. And you may think they are better, but the people with more gaming experience think differently.

I'm not talking about "pro gamers", don't put words into my mouth. Here's an analogy that you might understand: You go to a village that has no contact with the outside world. There are some kids there with skateboards, but of course they hardly scratch the surface of what's possible. In order to give them a striking, broad idea of what is possible, you show them a video of Rodney Mulen going berserk. This is done to make them understand that there is so much more to it than what they know. That is why I used the example of pro gamers - NOT to insinuate that they somehow represented any type of significant market.

Again; You want to play games with no inherent complexity - fine. I love playing "pure" games like Mario Galaxy and Indie games like Super Meat Boy and (check my sig) Broforce, but sometimes I really, really like the deep complexity of other games. Even a game such as Fifa would lose A LOT of it's depth if it was dumbed down for people who can't remember that they should hold L1 while lobbing to make a chipped lob etc. etc. It's complex.

But (most) humans are able to process complex things. So...

"And those some are in the minority but parade around making it like that is law"

If you say this, then I say: Don't parade around like your opinion is in any way better the opposite. If you come into a videogame website with people that have clocked THOUSANDS of hours on JRPGS and whatnot, then your attempts to hail Knack and Ryse as anything more than average games will absolutely fail.

Are you still reading?

Furthermore, I disagree with almost everything in your OP. But I tried to say it in a nice way.

Dunno what's so refreshing about Knack. There are way better platforming games (and it's not really that either is it) available from Indies. (even on PS4 with the likes of Flower)

GotBoth said:
Shaunaka said:
GotBoth said:

 I HATE the AAA games because If I go on vacation and don't play for a week or so I have to look at the manual to remember the button scheme!

Hardly anyone else has that problem

And you and your capped at 100 friends from last gen consoles make up the majority. Because last time I checked the highest selling games sell 10 million+ and this forum and your gamer friends fall way short of that number let alone consoles sold

Excuse me, WHAT are you talking about!?

No seriously!? Are you getting upset or something here?

If this is an attempt at an argument then let me know - I'll gladly respond. But I think you're losing the plot a little.