GotBoth said:
The swordplay in both Dark Souls and Ninja Gaiden have no magic and are way deeper and more satisfying than Ryse.
I'm calling you out here on points that I think are blatantly wrong because there's a lot in this thread I don't agree with. Just because your opinion is "different" doesn't mean it's right - or even worthwhile.
You are welcome to go play simple games without depth. There are tons of games like that out there and there will always be tons. But I get bored as hell doing the EXACT same thing I did on PS1 15 years later. And there are MILLIONS of people like me out there - not just a handful. We are the guys that buy 25-50 games for our consoles, who subscribe to PS+, and who get word of mouth started. The opinions in this group varies, and some like COD while others hate it. But these are the core gamers you asked about in one post to another user. It's not SO hard to quantify what a core gamer is. I've owned hundreds of games and 12 consoles in my life - I think that suffices as a criteria.