Mr Puggsly said:
In a nutshell, I'd like to see a deeper experience. What we got was a relatively simple combat system, the game was too reliant on QTEs and offered little variety. It felt like a 6 hour arcade game. I like the idea of Ryse, a realistic hack n' slash game. There are aspects of the game I definitely enjoyed, but as a whole it was shallow experience. I wasn't left wanting more at the end, I was just left with a feeling of untapped potential. A more ideal experience would be an open world RPG similar to Witcher 2, but with a similar (and deeper) combat system, setting, and story telling of Ryse. |
Thats the problem with gamers, if you want a game like x, go buy x and play it until your hearts content. Ryse is not Witcher 2 or similar too it. If thats the kind of game you like buy it. Waiting One day and looking at youtube videos could have kept you from buying Ryse but you bought it and complained about gameplay when you could have not bought it and watched the reviews first.