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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why I feel Knack and Ryse: Son of Rome are best launch titles.

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Chris Hu said:
As far as replay value goes Forza 5 is the best launch title out of all the launch games I played it over 100 hours and I'm still not close to unlocking all the achievements the game has.

If IMO was in that statement I would agree but because YOU played Forza for over 100 hours doesn't make it "As far as replay value goes" the best lauch title.  It makes it your favor and your selected best but not the best.  Which is why in my thread title I put "I feel".  NOt just Why they "are" the best.

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celador said:
sales2099 said:
Both are great concepts that lack polish.

That said, Ryse gets points for its graphics, story and bad-assery. That is something metacritic won't tell you.

Reviewers always take graphics and story into account when rating a game, so I'm not really sure what you mean here

I don't think this is the actual case.

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GotBoth said:
Chris Hu said:
As far as replay value goes Forza 5 is the best launch title out of all the launch games I played it over 100 hours and I'm still not close to unlocking all the achievements the game has.

If IMO was in that statement I would agree but because YOU played Forza for over 100 hours doesn't make it "As far as replay value goes" the best lauch title.  It makes it your favor and your selected best but not the best.  Which is why in my thread title I put "I feel".  NOt just Why they "are" the best.

I'm pretty sure more people still play Forza 5 on a consistend basis also after you beat Ryse and Knack there isn't really much else to do even if you did most the stuff in Forza 5 you can always enjoy a few online games and there are alway new monthly online challenges.

GotBoth said:
sales2099 said:

Fair enough. I am saying that while their metas are near identical, most core gamers you approach would prefer Ryse due to those points I mentioned.

That said, that is just my take and hope this doesn't escalate (that goes for others who read this!). These are the flops of our launches need to get defensive here (not you celador but prospective fans).

That is the problem, what is a core gamer? someone who plays COD/AC/BF/Halo/Gears/Killzone/God of War? I don't think gamers who love those games are core gamers. I think core gamers like variety and grew up on Mario, Gauntlet, Crash and the other titles I mentioned.  Which I couldn't understand how someone who loved those games would transform into COD etc. lovers.

Now that is close minded-eletism on your part and is a gray area as people have different definitions. A core gamer to me anyway is a mindset, one that views video games as part of their day-to-day life,  not what you play. Because judging people on the games they play alone is a slippery slope.

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GotBoth said:
Chris Hu said:
Not even close like someone already said Dead Rising 3 is better then both of them. Also if you include the two free tracks that Forza 5 got post launch Road America and Long Beach its better then both of those also and if you also include the DLC car packs its not even close.

Thanks for your opinion.  But its just that an opinion.  LIke all reviews are as well.  Just because I or anybody says something doesn't make if law/fact.  Because I think Dead Rising is BORING in ALL CAPS.  

To you it might be but to me killing zombies never gets boring espcecially since there is over 100 different ways to kill them.

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d21lewis said:
I don't know about Knack but I find myself wanting to play Ryse more and more as time passes. It can't be that bad, can it?

Ryse made me want a game like Ryse but better.

Its an interesting game, that's the best thing I can say about it.

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Wright said:

But Dead Rising 3 destroys both. That's the best launch title.

I would agree with you there here

Knack can't compare to LBP, let alone any of the great Nintendo franchises when it comes to innovation. Ryse is just bad, it's meant to be eye-candy, and that's about it.

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GotBoth said:

 I HATE the AAA games because If I go on vacation and don't play for a week or so I have to look at the manual to remember the button scheme!

Hardly anyone else has that problem

Some of us like complex games.

I sometimes even wish the black/white buttons from the original Xbox controller stayed around because 6 face buttons is something I'd have liked to be standard.

Anyway, after reading the OP I just have to say: Stay far away from PC games. A game like Dota needs to be complex, and the incredible control you see with the pro gamers is something to behold - high skilled, high paced tactical war.

From reading your OP I'd say you should really get a Wii U. Different platforms cater to different audiences, and you sound 100% like the type of person that would love what Nintendo has to offer.