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GotBoth said:
Chris Hu said:
As far as replay value goes Forza 5 is the best launch title out of all the launch games I played it over 100 hours and I'm still not close to unlocking all the achievements the game has.

If IMO was in that statement I would agree but because YOU played Forza for over 100 hours doesn't make it "As far as replay value goes" the best lauch title.  It makes it your favor and your selected best but not the best.  Which is why in my thread title I put "I feel".  NOt just Why they "are" the best.

I'm pretty sure more people still play Forza 5 on a consistend basis also after you beat Ryse and Knack there isn't really much else to do even if you did most the stuff in Forza 5 you can always enjoy a few online games and there are alway new monthly online challenges.