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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Sega handheld market topic (Game Gear 2)


Should Sega return in the handheld market with Game Gear 2?

Yes, I love Sega!!! 39 28.06%
Yes, only if it was a two way race 2 1.44%
Yes, if the Vita is discontinued 9 6.47%
Yes, Sega's Ip's could flourish again 5 3.60%
No, Sega has lost it's identity 31 22.30%
No, Sega can't compete against Nintendo 39 28.06%
Yes, because Sega does what Nintendon't ;) 14 10.07%

No way.

1) Currently Sega do well publishing games as a 3rd party. They cannot function as both a 1st party publisher and HW developer and a 3rd party publisher. 3rd party releases would both detract from 1st party resources and cannibalise HW sales.

Even if said HW was a portable and received the same games as consoles, releasing games as a 3rd party as well would negate the consumers need to buy the Sega handheld. Aside from the few remaining Sega hardcore fans, no one would buy the handheld.

This leaves them with the option of only 1st party on their HW. This puts all their eggs into one basket, business wise this would be incredibly risky and would dramatically decrease their potential market. They are successful at the moment, they don't need to take the risk.

2) Nintendo has too much of a grip on the HH market. And more to the point, Sega does well on Nintendo platforms.

3) To be blunt, Sega games aren't good enough to carry a platform.

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dane007 said:
Assyrian612 said:

Yeah that thing is huge lol, y'know I still like the design of the Game Gear.. It's not bad at all, if only it were smaller I'd love it. The design of it screams handheld gaming, well 90's gaming lol can't see people walking around with that anymore. Very nice collection though, you seem to be a really big handheld gamer. No PS Vita yet?

@novasonic as well  . This is Atari Lynx Mint condition : 

It's definetely thicker by quite a bit. It doesn't look too much taller or wider though.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

walsufnir said:
I really liked my Game Gear and had many great games for it. But yes, it really ate batteries...

That was Sega's plan all along with the eat all of your damn batteries!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AZWification said:
walsufnir said:
I really liked my Game Gear and had many great games for it. But yes, it really ate batteries...

That was Sega's plan all along with the eat all of your damn batteries!


Sad there were no eneloops back then, I had a lot of rechargables at this time.

torok said:
Assyrian612 said:

Well considering how much of a failure the Vita is in terms of sales, a bow out fo the handheld market for Sony wouldn't surprise me. Nintendo would be left with all that market share to itself, wouldn't someone want to give them a run? I think with Sega's commitment to mobile gaming growing a handheld entrance for them would be perfect. They already still develop arcade boards so a handheld console shouldn't be a problem. It's just the risk for them, but you're right even if they did the name has to be different. What should they call it?

They have a much better financial situation now, it only depends on their interest alone. About the name, that's a hard call. But I'm sure they could come with something fresh. A lot of people ask for a "Dreamcast 2", but in a similar way as the handheld, I believe Sega shouldn't name a console (or handheld) like a past one. It's more than a gen without their hardware, they shoud choose something that shows the world that they will do something different from the last time. Unfortunately, their last entrants on both home and handheld devices weren't a success. Using an old name is just a way to relate a new product with an old one that had its problems. Something fresh.

I do agree with a name change, I think it would be great because a new name would add to an already legedary line up of consoles. I think if they ever did create a handheld device, the ter "Dream" would be applied to it. Sega has associated the term "Dream" in a lot of its products besides Dreamcast. Either way a new name is very welcome


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Ronster316 said:
Assyrian612 said:
Ronster316 said:
Assyrian612 said:
Ronster316 said:

Would be nice.

They could make retail games (if the handheld is packing enough power) like SEGA Rally 3 (SEGA Rally revo does not count, it was made by a bum studio, not their AM5 division) Shenmue 3, Jet Set Radio 3, Binary Domain 2, Virtua Fighter 6 ect.

They could also have a XBLA/PSN type store where you could buy sequels to classic 2D games (and keep them 2D of course), games like Streets of Rage 4, Shinobi 4, Kid Chameleon 2, Vectorman 3, Ristar 2 etc.

Either way, if they ever did come back in to the handheld or console fray, i would support them 100% just like i have done since 1991.

Exactly, You and I agree 100%. I think Shenmue 3 might be a little harder to get developed in terms of Sega taking risks, the rest is plausible. I really hope Shenmue 3 is a reality just in general, but that's a story for another discussion. I would support Sega 100% too, I love knowing there's still Sega loyal fans around these days =)

Rare breed we are, good to see another SEGA fan here on VGC.

My loyalty to SEGA is for life.

Shenmue, Streets of Rage 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles are all likely to remain in my top 5 games of all time until the day i pass on.

Will a game ever knock Shenmue off its perch as my number 1 game of all time?............ highly unlikely.

I really do hope we get Shenmue 3, I don't even care anymore for which console.. Just let Yu Suzuki finish that series already.. It's a master piece and of a game and sadly was left in a cliff hanger in that freaking cave....... Out of all places a cave lol. I noticed you have Shinobi on your avatar, have you played the 3DS Shinobi released a few years ago?

Been busy at work tonight, so only just got some proper peace and quiet hence the late reply.

Yeah, i played Shinobi for 3DS, fairly tough game, but very rewarding when you pull off the perfect parry and kick some arse.

Also loved the section they devoted to the history of Shinobi, and the Main theme music of the game is FOOKING EPIC...!!!!!

That game is super challenging but I love old school Ninja games like Shinobi and the recently released Strider. I'm trying so hard to complete Shinobi on normal, that's how challenging it is lmaooo


Nem said:

From a business pov sonys exit of the portable market may be an opportunity in japan, but i dont think sega has the strengths to make it a sucess.

Old SEGA might have pulled it off but the new company is just a shell of what it used to be, with 9 disions beeing reduced with the times to about 3. pso2, yakuza, sonic teams. The rest is outsourced.

So, the potential exists, but old sega doesnt.

Thank you for your input, I agree 100% except I do believe Sega has the strength to pull it off. The only issue is their will to do it, and currently as you said it's just a shell of it's former self. I still support them, because they are my childhood memories that made me the gamer I am today. That's why I still cling on hope for a Sega rising even if the candle is faint.


DarkRPGamer007 said:

Sega is done. They left the console/handheld market in 2001 with the inevitable fail of the Dreamcast. Proves that you shouldn't invest all your time into one series. Too bad Sega console sales weren't as fast as Sonic :(

193-2001 Long live the Sega console empire

Yes my friend long live the Sega empire!!


That thing is in superb condition, I'm very impressed.. That Ninja game please tell me that's Ninja Gaiden?? And Batman!!!! I absolutely loved that game, but if I remember correctly it was for genesis too?


PlayMatt said:
What makes you think SEGA would do better then SONY against Nintendo? It has always lost to Nintendo, never had a hit handheld like SONY had the PSP... SEGA flopped for years if you compare it's standards with SONY, PS Vita is the first flop console from SONY, and I don't think they should drop out of handheld market, they need it to stay relevant in JAPAN

Well Yes Sony's PSP was a massive success, but outside of Japan Sony has no strength with the Vita. Sega however possess everything the Vita lacks. A library of games that have not been touched in over ten years. Sony lacks software and has left the Vita to rot away, only hoping the PS4 will save it. Unfortunately that is not a smart business strategy, so either they rebound with a handheld on the level of PSP or they are done in the handheld market. Sega never made any noise in the handheld market, but as I've researched their game gear was more powerful vs the gameboy. If Sega did focus on a handheld I have no doubt in my mind their Ip's would flourish on their own mobile platform. Most of the PS Vita hype is Hatsune Miku belonging to Sega, they also have PSO 2 in japan for Vita. So Sega knows how to make mobile games flourish.