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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Sega handheld market topic (Game Gear 2)


Should Sega return in the handheld market with Game Gear 2?

Yes, I love Sega!!! 39 28.06%
Yes, only if it was a two way race 2 1.44%
Yes, if the Vita is discontinued 9 6.47%
Yes, Sega's Ip's could flourish again 5 3.60%
No, Sega has lost it's identity 31 22.30%
No, Sega can't compete against Nintendo 39 28.06%
Yes, because Sega does what Nintendon't ;) 14 10.07%
novasonic said:
Assyrian612 said:
novasonic said:
Well.. The Game Gear ate 6 AA batteries in 2 hours and had an insanely high failure rate.. If they can fix those two things then I'm game.

Haha well I think lithium ion is the standard now, so battery life is an easy fix. Would you be happy with a Sega vs Nintendo handheld rivalry?

Sure why not? I love Sega. I have most of their consoles. All I'm missing is Nomad, CD, and 32x. Also.. I couldn't help but notice someone here saying they're not too big. So.. here's a couple comparisons. It's a giant even compared to the 3DSXL!

Nice collection! Lol compared to Nomad ,, game gear is not big plus to me its not that big since i got big hands lol. If you think thats giant,, you should see how big atari lunx as thats bigger then Nomad ! I am only missing 32x . Sadly never got around getting it and its hard to find a mint one on ebay .  Do you game much on it anymore?

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I loved my game gear growing up. It got equal playing time for the most part compared to my gameboy as well. I think we are coming up on a paradigm shift in the gaming world this coming generation. I believe the Nintendo Fusion rumors to be true to a certain extent, and I feel a dedicated handheld might not be able to compete with what Nintendo is cooking up. I think it would be financial suicide to release hardware unless they were doing it with the backing of Sony or Microsoft.

"Games are a trigger for adults to again become primitive, primal, as a way of thinking and remembering. An adult is a child who has more ethics and morals, that's all. When I am a child, creating, I am not creating a game. I am in the game. The game is not for children, it is for me. It is for an adult who still has a character of a child."


Shigeru Miyamoto

dane007 said:

Nice collection! Lol compared to Nomad ,, game gear is not big plus to me its not that big since i got big hands lol. If you think thats giant,, you should see how big atari lunx as thats bigger then Nomad ! I am only missing 32x . Sadly never got around getting it and its hard to find a mint one on ebay .  Do you game much on it anymore?

I have a few more portables. That's just what I had sitting in my living room at the time. I also have an original Game Boy, and black DSlite, and an original DS. My Game Gear sadly does not work properly. I need to replace all the capasitors. I'd love to get a Nomad and Lynx. They're two of the hardest portables to find though. I game more on consoles anyways. My goal is to get every console, and then eventually every colour and model of every console, and then..every game for every console.. It's a sickness. I need help.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

dane007 said:
Assyrian612 said:

Man this is just pure awesome, those are two really clean consoles you have. Based on your experience with both of them, which do you prefer over the other? Thank you for posting these pics, I love seeing mint Sega consoles. Tomorrow I'll post my Dreamcasts in this thread, I also have a Master System, Genesis, and Saturn as well =)

Nomad is better as you can use your sega genesis and paly on the handheld which you can't do with gamegear. Plus when  i have over 100 sega genesis games which  benefits my nomad better then teh game gear.  In terms of grip , game gear is better as its not as big as Nomad .  Have you heard of atari lynx? that one was massive size for a handheld lol.  Most welcome. I also have SNES, the very first sega genesis and the one after that which then got attached to the mega CD  :D . Never got 32x sadly or the jaguar but did get teh aturn and dreamcast. My oldest brother got the  Neo Geo consile. The orignal one where teh catridges were so huge ! and you get arcade perfect fighting games hehe. Missed playing teh first sonic and before the title screen,, you press up up down , left right A start to activate cheat or the aladin abba abba aa start to skip level ! or the tiny toon password that unlocks all levels!

Yup Atari always had the oddest looking consoles especially in the 90's. The jaguar controller lol idk what the expanation of that was.. The lynx looks like some alien activation device, but Neo Geo was a cool one from the crowd besides Nintendo and Sega consoles. I miss those old arcade fighters that played like real fighting games not like now were everything is assisted and counter attacks left and right. A nice thing about the Dreamcast I think it housed the best fighting games and also had a Sega made arcade stick. My favorite fighter on Dreamcast is Capcom vs Snk 2, I LOVE that game!


Ronster316 said:
Assyrian612 said:
Ronster316 said:

Would be nice.

They could make retail games (if the handheld is packing enough power) like SEGA Rally 3 (SEGA Rally revo does not count, it was made by a bum studio, not their AM5 division) Shenmue 3, Jet Set Radio 3, Binary Domain 2, Virtua Fighter 6 ect.

They could also have a XBLA/PSN type store where you could buy sequels to classic 2D games (and keep them 2D of course), games like Streets of Rage 4, Shinobi 4, Kid Chameleon 2, Vectorman 3, Ristar 2 etc.

Either way, if they ever did come back in to the handheld or console fray, i would support them 100% just like i have done since 1991.

Exactly, You and I agree 100%. I think Shenmue 3 might be a little harder to get developed in terms of Sega taking risks, the rest is plausible. I really hope Shenmue 3 is a reality just in general, but that's a story for another discussion. I would support Sega 100% too, I love knowing there's still Sega loyal fans around these days =)

Rare breed we are, good to see another SEGA fan here on VGC.

My loyalty to SEGA is for life.

Shenmue, Streets of Rage 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles are all likely to remain in my top 5 games of all time until the day i pass on.

Will a game ever knock Shenmue off its perch as my number 1 game of all time?............ highly unlikely.

I really do hope we get Shenmue 3, I don't even care anymore for which console.. Just let Yu Suzuki finish that series already.. It's a master piece and of a game and sadly was left in a cliff hanger in that freaking cave....... Out of all places a cave lol. I noticed you have Shinobi on your avatar, have you played the 3DS Shinobi released a few years ago?


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Zisbest said:
Don't know why, but I have sorta 'nostalgia crush' on Sega. I doubt they'd rejoin the market, but if so, great! Then I'm gonna buy 2 Handheld consoles every generation.

Ohh yeah, we still have to get you online for PSO.. Have you played it on your Dreamcast yet?


torok said:
Unfortunately, I doubt they will enter the market. The home consoles market is too competitive today, while the handheld has less companies. One problem in entering is that Nintendo always generated massive numbers there, while GG never got to much of a chance. Sony already did good numbers with the PSP and the Vita with their current Japanese numbers will probably double the original GG numbers.

Despite that, if they did I would buy it without hesitation, day 1. They just shouldn't call it Game Gear, it was a more 90's name and it wasn't as succesful as they wished. If Sega returns to the hardware scene, they should make clear that their new devices are a different approach compared to their old ones, show us a new Sega.

Well considering how much of a failure the Vita is in terms of sales, a bow out fo the handheld market for Sony wouldn't surprise me. Nintendo would be left with all that market share to itself, wouldn't someone want to give them a run? I think with Sega's commitment to mobile gaming growing a handheld entrance for them would be perfect. They already still develop arcade boards so a handheld console shouldn't be a problem. It's just the risk for them, but you're right even if they did the name has to be different. What should they call it?


AZWification said:

The Vita would be in serious trouble if a Game Gear 2 would come out!

Let's say though if the Vita fell out of the race, should Game Gear 2 join in it's place?


Yeah that thing is huge lol, y'know I still like the design of the Game Gear.. It's not bad at all, if only it were smaller I'd love it. The design of it screams handheld gaming, well 90's gaming lol can't see people walking around with that anymore. Very nice collection though, you seem to be a really big handheld gamer. No PS Vita yet?


Assyrian612 said:
AZWification said:

The Vita would be in serious trouble if a Game Gear 2 would come out!

Let's say though if the Vita fell out of the race, should Game Gear 2 join in it's place?

 As long as a Game Gear 2 would have many great games and  wouldn't be very gimmicky ( among other things) then why not!

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