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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Smash Bros: 3DS Summer; Wii U Winter

Nintendo is so out of touch.

See, Delphin? I told you.

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Contrary to what everyone is saying, 3DS needs the title soon more than Wii U. 3DS sales are declining and there is little reason to pick it up. It may even be replaced next year, so sales need to be milked ASAP. But mostly you should always save the superior version for last.

confirmed! nintendo is ran by idiots

Started gaming on PS3 3/6/14 :)

confirmed! nintendo is ran by idiots

That's been confirmed since 2011.

TheLastStarFighter said:
Contrary to what everyone is saying, 3DS needs the title soon more than Wii U. 3DS sales are declining and there is little reason to pick it up. It may even be replaced next year, so sales need to be milked ASAP. But mostly you should always save the superior version for last.

So? 3DS is doing a lot better than the Wii U. Who the heck makes excuses for a game company. Oh wait this guy.

Started gaming on PS3 3/6/14 :)

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curl-6 said:
confirmed! nintendo is ran by idiots

That's been confirmed since 2011.

I can agree with that now but back then I didn't.  You would think they would learn something from the 3DS though

Started gaming on PS3 3/6/14 :)

TheLastStarFighter said:
Contrary to what everyone is saying, 3DS needs the title soon more than Wii U. 3DS sales are declining and there is little reason to pick it up. It may even be replaced next year, so sales need to be milked ASAP. But mostly you should always save the superior version for last.

So? 3DS is doing a lot better than the Wii U. Who the heck makes excuses for a game company. Oh wait this guy.

Hardly. I don't even like the game. I'm explaining why the release schedule makes sense. You're just unable to grasp it.

TheLastStarFighter said:
Contrary to what everyone is saying, 3DS needs the title soon more than Wii U. 3DS sales are declining and there is little reason to pick it up. It may even be replaced next year, so sales need to be milked ASAP. But mostly you should always save the superior version for last.

This would be true if there wasn't so much negative press about the Wii U (try to find an article that doesn't at least call it Nintendo's "struggling" console) and we didn't have everyone looking for a game to "save" the Wii U. This will help the 3ds, but it has done well enough that the focus isn't on it, while any failure for the Wii U will be more high profile.

There are some good reasons to do it this way (based on what we know... possibly even more based on how things are moving with SSB Wii U and other Wii U games) but I just don't know if it will be enough to cancel out the obvious negativity around delaying the Wii U version. It will probably be a fine decision for gaming quality, but if gaming quality was enough to melt bad press snowballs then the Wii U would probably have already recovered its reputation.

TheLastStarFighter said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
Contrary to what everyone is saying, 3DS needs the title soon more than Wii U. 3DS sales are declining and there is little reason to pick it up. It may even be replaced next year, so sales need to be milked ASAP. But mostly you should always save the superior version for last.

So? 3DS is doing a lot better than the Wii U. Who the heck makes excuses for a game company. Oh wait this guy.

Hardly. I don't even like the game. I'm explaining why the release schedule makes sense. You're just unable to grasp it.

Wii u is not making profit and 3DS is. Now tell me which one matters more at this point? Excatly.

Started gaming on PS3 3/6/14 :)

Cool, considering I don't have a Wii U yet, I'm fine with this.