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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Smash Bros: 3DS Summer; Wii U Winter

curl-6 said:
"Winter"  'Winter 2014'

28th Feb 2015 confirmed.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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Cheebee said:
curl-6 said:
"Winter"  'Winter 2014'

28th Feb 2015 confirmed.

Tropical Freeze was announced for November 2013.

From a gamers perspective it is disappointing as Wii U is so dry of games atm.

However when you think about it from marketing perspective it is great idea.

Why release the Wii U version now only to get a small bump? Christmas time is where the huge bump will happen (if Wii U still has any lives left). The reason for that is simple. The 3DS version in summer will be enough to get the core Nintendo fans dicks wet until winter. Then come Christmas all those Nintendo fans in hordes like in a zombie apocalypse will go out to get the Wii U version. This will trigger a chain reaction. By that I meaning all the soccer mums will see these Nintendo Zombies (me included) queuing up. They will ask them what they here for and they will say biggest game release of the year SSBB. Then those uninformed mothers will be like oh snap maybe ill buy this for my kids for christmas.

Well that is the ideal scenario, chances are the kids will tell their parents to get them a PS4.



curl-6 said:
Cheebee said:
curl-6 said:
"Winter"  'Winter 2014'

28th Feb 2015 confirmed.

Tropical Freeze was announced for November 2013.

Oh god could you imagine that? Wii U would be a barren wasteland all the way until May.

curl-6 said:

Tropical Freeze was announced for November 2013.

And Super Mario 3D World was announced for December 2013.

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There is a negative and positive side to this.

Negative is that the Wii U needed it more and they helped 3ds, but imo I think the hardcore super smqsh bros players will buy both or only Wii U.

The positive is that if Ninty released it for Wii U in summer it would hqve sold less consoles since MK8 would have already been released like 2 months before.

Ill just wait for Wii U version.

they need a wii u price drop and bundled with MK8 by september to keep mario kart momentum.
270$, why not?

curl-6 said:
Cheebee said:
curl-6 said:

Tropical Freeze was announced for November 2013.

3D World was announced for December 2013.

flagstaad said:
curl-6 said:

Tropical Freeze was announced for November 2013.

And Super Mario 3D World was announced for December 2013.

Delays are a lot more common than dates moved forward.

3D World may have moved forward, but DK, Pikmin 3, Wii Party U, and Wii Fit U, were all delayed.

Einsam_Delphin said:
curl-6 said:

Tropical Freeze was announced for November 2013.

3D World was announced for December 2013.

See my post above this.