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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Infamous did NOT outsell Titanfall on Xbox One's opening numbers

Zappykins said:
Fusioncode said:
Zappykins said:
I think there was a whole bunch of wishful thinking, and maybe some alcohol involved.

Still wished we could get digital sales. I do think it would tip even more in TitanFall's favor though.

Zappy, you predicted that Titanfall would have a bigger launch than GTAV. You have no right to insult anyone.

OT: Very few people thought that Infamous would outsell Titanfall, it was not a popular opinion. 

TitanFall has a much higher adoption rate than Grand Theft Auto V. 

And the 'Infamous will crush Titanfall' was all over the place here.  Like how 'The Move' would destory Kinect.

What does adoption rate have anything to do with which game sells more? Stop with the spin Major Nelson. 

How about you show me all those example of people saying 'Infamous will crush Titanfall'? And please don't link me to just one person saying that. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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ethomaz said:
PR Spin...

"inFAMOUS: Second Son was the fastest selling game in March with sales averaged a volume of more than 350,000 units per day"

Or the infamous "family" combined sold more than titanfall.

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
J_Allard said:
My copy of Titanfall sure as shit wasn't FREE.

Early Adopter Problems.


No problems here :)

J_Allard said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
J_Allard said:
My copy of Titanfall sure as shit wasn't FREE.

Early Adopter Problems.


No problems here :)

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

You would try to bash sony. God, you are biased.

But seriously, it's a bummer but what can ya do.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

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EB1994 said:
VitroBahllee said:
EB1994 said:
VitroBahllee said:

I'm not surprised, but a lot of people were arguing Infamous SS would crush Titanfall. You'd think it would, being one of the only full retail releases on PS4, a console with a higher install base. But I think the fans were ignoring the fact that being a glowing purple superhero was more niche than Titanfall. Not knocking Infamous, and the game blew away the prior installments in the series. But that's just the thing: the series before had pretty small launch numbers. It's a cool and loved series, just not a huge mainstream one.

Anyway, I know people think I'm against Sony. I am not. I don't want this to seem like I'm bashing them. I have a lot of respect for them and they make a ton of great stuff, PS4 included.

If you're going to make such an outrageous statement, I expect links to posts of people actually saying inFAMOUS would "crush" TitanFall.

Until then, I can't take this thread seriously, as all you're trying to do is start a fanboy war.

No I'm not. That's rude to say. People were saying it would significantly outsell Titanfall. Which isn't that weird of a prediction, considering the bigger install base of PS4 and lack of a lot of retail-sized games.

Completely disregards my first sentence.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but yes I'm not bothering with it. I'm too busy. Please understand.

celador said:
jlmurph2 said:
celador said:
In fairness, most people made the prediction before price cuts and bundles happened.

And like someone else said,maybe post a few links to comments that back up what you are saying


I posted some links a few posts up.


I know you did, and I wasn't really denying people had said those kind of things, each fanbase always makes predictions that are way off.  But it shouldn't be you having to do that, it should be the OP.  There are threads and posts all the time about people doing this and that but rarely is there any links to actual examples.  If there were, half the thread wouldn't  have to be people asking for proof.

Why should I have to prove I can read? Links were easy for people to find. It's such a 'instantly win the argument if the OP doesn't spend half an hour searching for links.' We can all read - there's no other way to use this forum. I'm sorry if you want proof. And you get proof, and you're trying to say that it doesn't count because it was someone other than me who posted it. How about you stay on topic. Bring up that Donkey Kong Country is out and I don't say 'LINK ME TO  SIX RETAILERS OR I DON'T BELIEVE IT.'

The "half of this thread that are people asking for proof" are their own problem: they can search just as well as anybody, and honestly I'm pretty sure most of them knew what I was saying was accurate, they just wanted to argue for argument's sake because they feel like they are on the other 'side' of what I was saying.

Okay, damn. Triple post. Sorry.

Ugh sorry for the double post. Browser issues.

X1Gates said:
jlmurph2 said:
Nintentacle said:
700k in 2 days vs 1 million in 4 days... Sounds better to me, but not anything that would be called "crushing". I wonder which one will have better legs?

Let me see, Multiplayer Online fps vs singleplayer 3rd person adventure game. Which one has had the better legs in the past while the other gets quickly put into resale circulation?

Which one was dubbed the second coming and had mass advertisement ontop of that bundling and price reduction of the console it was coming out on? Which one won 70+ award at e3 and just marginally outsold the other? I wouldn't celeberate my friend, it looks like a certain game didn't live up to the hype.

Please. Which one came out on a system with millions more install base and less big excusive games to compete with? The one that sold less.


@Aryem - I said in my post that I respect Sony and I hoped people didn't try to spin this that I was 'soooooo biased wah wah wah.' What is the problem? What should I have said? Why are you so offended?