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Lol 2 9.09%
Yep 1 4.55%
I hate you ktay95 6 27.27%
DONT ask, Ill never tELl 1 4.55%
qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm 5 22.73%
MohammadBadir said:
You're changing the thread's name? :P

No Im not

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well that's a pretty "grab you attention" headline

ktay95 said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
I hope SS will eventually outsell MGSV... It shouldnt have sold that much imo just cause of how pricy it is

What you mean this sexy thing, hell no everyone should enjoy this

Ahh.... ~.~

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

ktay95 said:
MohammadBadir said:
You're changing the thread's name? :P

No Im not

Well played

FlamingWeazel said:
J_Allard said:
FlamingWeazel said:

Many who were on the fence would go digital seeing the limited edition on psn for 4 weeks, not everything is black and white, nopt everyone decides one way or another 100% if thewy are going digital or physical. Seems logic is not on your sidem humna beings are not cut and dry like that.

Now you're shifting the goal posts. Having it up for preorder before release might have enticed a small amount of people who were "on the fence" to preorder to go ahead and go it.

Having it up for preorder being some absolute determining factor that it moved massively more preorders is another thing altogether.

I have not moved anything, I said there would be more digital sales with it being up on PSn for 4 weeks, that's fact, nothing more nothing less.  Many dont just decide 100% what they are getting, many see it on PSn especially it being the limitedf edition would be enticed to get the digital version.

More than there would be without the option being there for 4 weeks, sure. But more than Game A or Game B just because of that? No. Hope that helped, maybe go back and read your original post.

Around the Network

Stop lying to me!

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

J_Allard said:
FlamingWeazel said:
J_Allard said:
FlamingWeazel said:

Many who were on the fence would go digital seeing the limited edition on psn for 4 weeks, not everything is black and white, nopt everyone decides one way or another 100% if thewy are going digital or physical. Seems logic is not on your sidem humna beings are not cut and dry like that.

Now you're shifting the goal posts. Having it up for preorder before release might have enticed a small amount of people who were "on the fence" to preorder to go ahead and go it.

Having it up for preorder being some absolute determining factor that it moved massively more preorders is another thing altogether.

I have not moved anything, I said there would be more digital sales with it being up on PSn for 4 weeks, that's fact, nothing more nothing less.  Many dont just decide 100% what they are getting, many see it on PSn especially it being the limitedf edition would be enticed to get the digital version.

More than there would be without the option being there for 4 weeks, sure. But more than Game A or Game B just because of that? No. Hope that helped, maybe go back and read your original post.

I said it would have more digital sales where it was available for 4 weeks...thanks for proving my point. Its obvious it would.

Fusioncode said:
Stop lying to me!

Oh I won't.

FlamingWeazel said:

I said it would have more digital sales where it was available for 4 weeks...thanks for proving my point. Its obvious it would.

Except you compared it with a game that sold more physical copies too, so know... it wouldn't. Do you understand or do you need the mathematics broken down for you? I'd be happy to do it in a PM or something.

J_Allard said:
FlamingWeazel said:

I said it would have more digital sales where it was available for 4 weeks...thanks for proving my point. Its obvious it would.

Except you compared it with a game that sold more physical copies too, so know... it wouldn't. Do you understand or do you need the mathematics broken down for you? I'd be happy to do it in a PM or something.

Titanfall was hugely bundled and given away for free with said bundles, and also accompanied a price cut, sales were very close between the 2 games, despite all that.