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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Cliff Bleszinski calls Notch a "pouty kid" for canceling Minecraft VR

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This is the same guy who was defending Phil Fish for all the awful things he said? Yeah don't care about his opinion very much.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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Cliffy B is such a classy man with a great track record! I should totally listen to his petty insults!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Is it that hard to believe a guy who purposefully went by the nickname "Cliffy B" would be a douche? Sounds like a bad 80's rapper. Then he had the nerve to get upset when people called him that after he got tired of it. I like Gears but every single thing out of this guys mouth is tripe. I put him in the same category as Peter Molyneux in that regard.

That said, the whole social network and Facebook trend is interfacing with supposed "friends" without having to be present or Inconvenienced in any way. VR seems like a natural fit. But people text because they don't have to actually talk to one another, are they going to want to communicate in VR?

My hope lies with Sony as far as the future of VR goes. I don't really want to interact with other people but give me Elder Scrolls or the Avengers 3D Blu Ray with a VR headset and I'm sold.

If cliff didnt make any money of this he wouldnt even open his mouth. this guy is such a clown. I get that hes confident and voices his opinion but he talks way more than he should.

Why is Cliff so jealous? Marcus made a successful game ages ago off an experimental payment plan and now both MS and Sony want his game, and he's mad that Marcus didn't like facebook's acquisition and decided to take his buisness else where? What was the last game Cliff released? He's barely even getting attention from MS who basically just bought his IP because they needed something to play between Halos.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank