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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Cliff Bleszinski calls Notch a "pouty kid" for canceling Minecraft VR

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Cliffy was heavily invested in this deal, Notch not participating lowers the value of his investment
Cliffy be mad

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Pretty dumb that they called him pouty. It's like a pouty kid calling another one pouty, It's stupid.

Callum_Alexander said:
vivster said:
Callum_Alexander said:
Alternatively he could have values/beliefs that cannot be bought. It's called integrity, Cliff.

Those white supremacists must have a lot integrity then ;)

What I'm saying is that you can spin that either way. To have preconceived notions is not necessarily a good thing.

They definitely do and that is certainly not a bad thing, far from it actually. The fact that what they believe is unethical is a completely different matter.

The only person who loses out with the cancellation of Minecraft VR is Notch. He has just given away millions of pounds/dollars etcetera in order to hold to his beliefs. That is extremely admirable.

He also gained a few million dollars because bashing FB is now the "In" thing to do and his fans will throw even more money at him for being the cool kid.

Just think how much integrity he would've gained if he didn't publicly declare this minutes after the reveal. But no, he had to immediatly cash into the anti-fb sentiment.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Cliff Bleszinski calling someone else "bratty" is like badgenome criticizing someone for being flippant.

Cliffy made once more a huge amount of money. First he had a Gallardo, then an Aventador. Next he will buy a Veron lol.

“Once the dust settles, and maybe he buys a nicer home, or an Italian sports car, guess what he's going to do? Get right back to work."

That's pretty much his own life's story. Why does he tell his story about another person?

But I think he is right with most what he said but what someone as rich as Notch wants to support or not is pretty much his problem and Cliffy shouldn't try to tell Notch what he should do or not do.

But I think 99,5% of people who complain so much about what Palmer did would do exactly the same if they would be him. It's always easy to hate someone for what he is doing as long as you aren't in the same situation to see a huge opportunity to drive your product forward and make a bunch of money even if Facebook is the.buyer.

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"Palmer is the classic example of the old adage of 'do what you really love and the money will follow.' "

No. Palmer is the classic example of the old adage 'tell every lie in the book to people to get their support and money, then screw them over at first possible chance'

As for Cliffy calling Notch names...oh boy, look who's talking.

when I read the story I really was wondering what the fuss. OR actually needs the type of funding that a company like Facebook, Apple, MS you name it to get behind. In order for the tech to go from niche to mainstream, it must be incorporated into a much broader vision.

What I do not understand is that the things that Zuck stated would be part of the vision still helps the device for gaming. Its not like Zuck and company including Carmack do not know what it takes to be a gaming device. The parts that make it an excellent gaming device also make it a complete system as well. You still have optics, motion, view angle etc. All the tech within the device if sold in the millions will make the cost of the device cheaper as component price scale.

People only see the price of the business sold to Facebook but forget that Facebook will probably invest billions to make this a real deal. Actually Facebook probably have a greater chance to make the OR a real deal than Sony with their headset. Facebook is printing money right now while Sony still must ride a very cautious path since they are still in the red as a business.

Nintentacle said:
Pretty dumb that they called him pouty. It's like a pouty kid calling another one pouty, It's stupid.

It actually sounded to me like notch was being a bit immature.  Before publicly pulling yoru game and making a fuss.  Why did he not just call up Zuck, Carmack and others and actually get a discussion going on the direction of the device, where its going and the support for games.  It seems like he knee jerk a reaction without actually doing any type work to find out how this deal change what he is doing.

Actually the guy is right. This Notch guy basically won at the lottery and he his now acting like a kid who wants to show to other kids out there how he is cool and can stand up against the adults. Nothing to do with values/beliefs here; nobody asked him to change them...

Why exactly did Notch cancel Minecrafts on Occulus?