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Forums - Gaming Discussion - [2014 Worst Company In America](Updated 2) BofA and Monsanto move on; Paypal is out

Leadified said:
Player2 said:

Monsanto. Most of those companies don't hesitate to use shady strategies to make money, but in the case of Monsanto that usually comes with side effects like health issues and environment damage, among other things.

Half of its wikipedia page are legal actions and controversies...

Couldn't have said it better myself. At least EA just makes video games,,,

The thing about Monsanto, is that they are secretive so their BS isn't common knowledge.

The safe bet is EA. They've won the past 2 years consecutively.

MS is alot more plausible now because of DRMGate, but since they did make 180s, they at least acknowledge that they fcked up so I doubt it would have any merit.

Keep in mind this contests is basically an anti-popularity contests, and people love to hate EA alot more than these other companies.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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Slade6alpha said:
EA doesn't deserve to win this. They are nowhere near as bad as companies such as Bank of America.

I'd give it to Bank of America as well, or maybe Abercrombie for their scumbag CEO. Though it is funny seeing EA win year after year. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

The EA+MS faux-alliance should win this.
But by the time the winner is announced it'll already be broken so... guffaw.

Real talk all of these other companies stand no chance. EA will win because this is about consumer votes. Not the actual worst company in America. MS might have a chance but EA will still dominate no contest.
MS has to horribly fuck up beyond reason to get substantial hate.
All EA has to do is exist.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

I really think Comcast has a big shot this time. Also where are all the oil companies?

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Even though EA doesn't deserve to win it, I fully expect it to win since it is consumer (fan) voting.

Hmmm, i agree that EA is not the worst, but i believe it to be more than elegible for the top 16.

BF 4 launch and Simcity 5 launch were pretty unpleasant. Add to that the suspect EA is one major architect behind XONE DRM policy (and this would be the reason why it is taking X1 side with exclusives that would just sell a lot more if they were on PS4 too).

While not the worst, i can see it winning.

No one can beat EA.

Shows just how terrible a company EA are that they could potentially win (or rather, lose) 3 years in a row.

Monsato makes food cheaper and easier to produce. Or in other words, they let everyone eat more easily. I can see hipsters having a problem with that, but not anybody that is really breaking the issue apart.