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Forums - Sales Discussion - I Think It's Safe To Assume That Titanfall Will Sell Quite Well, But...


Will the One Win March In The US And/Or UK?

Yes To Both! Titanfall GOTY! 64 23.27%
Yes To US, No To UK. 56 20.36%
Yes To UK, No To US. 9 3.27%
No. Titanfall Can Not Stop The BEAST!! 102 37.09%
Wii U Will Win March! 44 16.00%

It's becoming quite clear it is unlikely to push the One to a huge sales spike or curve, as some were predicting.  I doubt it will even outsell the PS4 in the US and UK, the two regions it will sell the most, for March.  Here's why I think that.

Let's look at the US, first.  If we go to the Gamestop site's Bestsellers List, the Infamous Bundle is #1 out of all products on the site.  #2 is also a PS4 bundle.  Titanfall rounds out the Top 5 (edit: it now sits at #7.)  The Titanfall Bundle isn't even in the Top 10, sitting currently at #12 (edit: it now sits at #4.)  On Amazon's Bestellers for March, the PS4 has shot up to #1, while only being available for a few days.  Titanfall rounds out the Top 5 (edit: it now sits at #3), again, while the Titanfall Bundle is even lower than Gamestop, at #14 (edit: now sits at #12.)  Now, some may say, "But the bundle was available in February, too."  That's true, BUT it only hit #71 on February's Bestseller List.  And if you look at Bestsellers for 2014, the situation looks worse, as the Titanfall Bundle has not even broken the Top 100 (edit: it now sits at #79.)

Now, let's look at the UK.  I'm only going by Amazon for the UK, but if we look at the March Bestsellers List, we can see that Titanfall is doing great at #1, but the bundle is only #34 (edit: it now sits at #32.)  The bundle didn't even break the Top 100 on the February Bestseller List.  And just like the US (edit: it is now #79 on the US site), the Titanfall Bundle has not broke the Top 100 on the Bestsellers for 2014 List.

So, in conclusion, I think Titanfall is going to have good sales, but in terms of pushing Xbox One HW, I think it's not going to do too much.  Maybe push the One back to January sales, or slightly above, but definitely not taking on the PS4 in any meaningful terms.  What are your thoughts?

And on a quick note, I will update the positions on Monday (again), so we have final numbers just before release.

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I think it will push X1 consoles to a good amount, at least over 150k at min WW for a few weeks and over 200k first week... The question is, will be sustained sales and with Infamous SS, its hard to tell but the US does love its online shooters as well as many other regions so we will see


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

WIIU WIIU WIIU, look out guys Nintendo coming through

People are forgetting that good MP = good word of mouth. XBO will sell well throughout the summer since people are bored of BF and COD.

ktay95 said:
WIIU WIIU WIIU, look out guys Nintendo coming through

Nintendo is an ambulance?

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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25% increase in launch week

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

AZWification said:
ktay95 said:
WIIU WIIU WIIU, look out guys Nintendo coming through

Nintendo is an ambulance?

Yep, there on their way to save all from the generic brown and grey shooters =P

Imagine all the hardware it would push if it was on the PS4...

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

It will sell a crap load, for sure the best selling game so far will be it. I just hope microsoft store does t screw up with my pre order for the One

RIP ps3, xbox360.

welcome home ps4 and X1

AZWification said:
ktay95 said:
WIIU WIIU WIIU, look out guys Nintendo coming through

Nintendo is an ambulance?

You HAVE to have seen that image before.