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Forums - Sales Discussion - 1st Feb Global Hardware, USA Software up!

PS4 already selling at a faster rate than 3DS without the help of Japan, Impressive.


pS. X1 camp can keep eating crow.  How it taste??

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vivster said:
I can hear the faint screams of a crow being eaten alive.
Seems PS4 is not so supply constrained anymore and it's just the lower demand now.

Awfull odd comment that makes no sense considering he gap is now growing weekly.

Fusioncode said:
PS4 is destroying the XBO right now, but just wait until game of the millennium Titanfall comes out. People will be trading in their PS4s on masse in order to get in on that greatness.

In all seriousness, the XBO needs some help in Europe, it's only doing slightly better than the WiiU over there. PS4 is beasting as usual. Solid start for Tomb Raider Overpriced Edition. We should start seeing these last gen ports more often now.

A lot people over estimated Titanfall.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

FlamingWeazel said:
vivster said:
I can hear the faint screams of a crow being eaten alive.
Seems PS4 is not so supply constrained anymore and it's just the lower demand now.

Awfull odd comment that makes no sense considering he gap is now growing weekly.

I don't care about the gap for now. X1 is done anyway. I'm more interested in when supply meets demand. And it seems that week it was finally met seeing how there were still units available at the end of the week.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

GribbleGrunger said:

At this rate the PS4 will eventually be pulling away from the X1 by about 4k - 5k units a month.

PS4 sells nearly double the XBone every week

Will pull away by 4k-5k units a month


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BMaker11 said:
GribbleGrunger said:

At this rate the PS4 will eventually be pulling away from the X1 by about 4k - 5k units a month.

PS4 sells nearly double the XBone every week

Will pull away by 4k-5k units a month


I think he said 400-500k.

Kresnik said:

TheLastStarFighter said:

Tomb Raider: DE is selling like old "updated" ports did on Wii U. I wonder if 3rd parties will cancel future projects or delay them?


Batman Arkham City is the best selling updated WiiU port I can find in the DB.  It sold 33k globally first week.  Tomb Raider sold 60k in the USA, first week (or you can divide them by platform, if you prefer).  We know that it got another 27k (or you can divide them by platform, if you prefer) from the UK alone.  I don't really see how that's selling like old "updated" ports did on WiiU.

Beat me to it. Also worth noting that after Batman Arkham City, the Wii U funnily enough actually got Arkham Origins so his point is kinda moot.

Mass Effect 3 opened up to 16,000 units WW. Less than 40k after 10 Weeks on Wii U.

I dont quite understand our Deus Ex numbers, but its done less than 40k lifetime on Wii U.

Ninja Gaiden 3 did less than 50k lifetime on Wii U.

I guess it depends on what you class as "updated" really.


fatslob-:O said:
AwakeandAlive said:
why is WiiU not falling ?

Is that strange or what ? 

What a surprise! Wii U, HOW DARE YOU not reach 20k again! report it :)

Every console seems to improve this week, we should all rejoice. Looks like the christmas games have been played to death and there is need for new ones :)

I think we are seeing the arrogance effect here... Sony was very arrogant after the ps1-2, then thought they could sell a ps3 for whatever they want, and it started out awful... Now Microsoft was the arrogant one, and thought they could throw together the kinect and sell it for whatever they want.... Did they not see the ps3 launch? It had a $500 model too that sold like crap, so what made them think a $500 x1 would change that? I think gene really no one really wants kinect(I don't, hated it on 360), and they thought it would justify $500 because of kinect... The need to make that thing optional, and sell it with and without it. $400 without kinect would be fair, even if the ps4 is that price....

Justagamer said:
I think we are seeing the arrogance effect here... Sony was very arrogant after the ps1-2, then thought they could sell a ps3 for whatever they want, and it started out awful... Now Microsoft was the arrogant one, and thought they could throw together the kinect and sell it for whatever they want.... Did they not see the ps3 launch? It had a $500 model too that sold like crap, so what made them think a $500 x1 would change that? I think gene really no one really wants kinect(I don't, hated it on 360), and they thought it would justify $500 because of kinect... The need to make that thing optional, and sell it with and without it. $400 without kinect would be fair, even if the ps4 is that price....

You forgot to mention the WiiU.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.