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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Ubisoft explains why it delayed Watch Dogs on Wii U


WiiU Version delayed ...

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zippy said:
bonzobanana said:
Reminds me of psp, wii, ps2 versions of games. Often they would come out after the major releases and were poor compared to the versions on major formats. This looks much the same. If the Developer struggled to get good performance out of the wii u for assassins creed 3 and 4 its very unlikely Watchdogs is going to perform well on wii u. The reality is it will be a very weak version.

Surely the time has passed where people can keep pretending the wii u is powerful. Clearly its struggling against ps3 and 360 in performance terms. I keep reading how wii u is difficult to develop for when there is absolutely no evidence of that at all, in fact the reverse seems to be true. What we are seeing for major games is pretty much the same level of performance on wii u.

My bet is that they took resources off the Wii U version to get the PS360 versions up to scratch, do you remember those godawful leaked screen shots?? A dev has been on record saying the Wii U version looks and runs better than the PS360 versions, and it was actually developed next to its next gen counterparts. Surely it would have been developed with the PS360 versions if it was going to be on par or weaker.

ACIV Black Flag looks better on Wii U and noone cared, so why would they delay the Wii U version just because last gen looks last gen?

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SubiyaCryolite said:
Ubisoft does not care about Watch_Dogs Wii U. They where right to focus resources and get it out earlier on the platforms that will actually get good sales first. As far as I'm concerned it may have been cancelled behind the scenes but they decided to just delay and release it anyway for formalities sake as one last litmus test to prove (not test) their existing conclusion.

We are quickly running out of space to put anymore nails on this coffin. Wii U == Wii in terms of third party support. This time Nintendo cant keep up with demand in regards to first party titles and the Wii U is selling so poorly there's little interest for unique exclusives unless explicitly paid for by the big N.

Who's fault? Nintendo for screwing up the Wii Us first year on the market so badly that there's practically no light at the end of the tunnel. Kart is the last glimmer of hope, smash to a smaller degree for the Wii U itself as a platform.

As far as 3rd parties are concerned its GAME OVER unless their games somehow manage to start selling at least 4x the amount they currently do (which wont happen). All the support it'll get from now shall be limited to select cross gen ports. Once the 360 and PS3 die you'd better be able to live with Nintendo and Indies and not much else.

The Wii U will have a respectable library when all is said and done. I have no problem with DreamCast 2.0 sales if it gets 1st party and exclusive games of that caliber over the course of its life (and it will). Though anyone hoping for parity with the other 8th gen systems with regards to AAA multiplats needs a reality check. Support it for what it is, and not what its not and your life will be so much easier.

Wii U will comfortably outsell the Dreamcast, a year and three months on the market and it has nearly 6 million in sales. Only 2 million or so more and its matched Dreamcast sales. Wii U is struggling but it wont have Dreamcast 2 sales, i dont care for Sony and Microsoft and there is enough content now and beyond to justify my purchase. I take my Wii U for what it is and im much more excited for X than i ever was for Watchdogs.






jlmurph2 said:
zippy said:
bonzobanana said:
Reminds me of psp, wii, ps2 versions of games. Often they would come out after the major releases and were poor compared to the versions on major formats. This looks much the same. If the Developer struggled to get good performance out of the wii u for assassins creed 3 and 4 its very unlikely Watchdogs is going to perform well on wii u. The reality is it will be a very weak version.

Surely the time has passed where people can keep pretending the wii u is powerful. Clearly its struggling against ps3 and 360 in performance terms. I keep reading how wii u is difficult to develop for when there is absolutely no evidence of that at all, in fact the reverse seems to be true. What we are seeing for major games is pretty much the same level of performance on wii u.

My bet is that they took resources off the Wii U version to get the PS360 versions up to scratch, do you remember those godawful leaked screen shots?? A dev has been on record saying the Wii U version looks and runs better than the PS360 versions, and it was actually developed next to its next gen counterparts. Surely it would have been developed with the PS360 versions if it was going to be on par or weaker.

ACIV Black Flag looks better on Wii U and noone cared, so why would they delay the Wii U version just because last gen looks last gen?

They have delayed the Wii U version because, getting the game ready to launch on a 160 million install base is more important than a better looking version launching on a 6 million install base. 

I would rather have Nintendo pay Ubisoft for an exclusive Prince of Persia game than get an inferior port of a multiplat.
The Wii U should be all about exclusive games, since it is too weak to get acceptable versions of Xbone and PS4 multiplats.

Lets hope Mario Kart and Smash Bros push the userbase to Gamecube level and Nintendo starts using its cash to pay for a couple of exclusive games per year to compliment their own games.

I still think when this generation is over the Wii U top 20 games will be God Tier, like the Gamecube.

I wonder if it will be profitable.

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the Wiiu and bad news are going hand in hand now!!!!

I doubt ubi are delaying due to Nintendo hate, it's that they expect Wiiu version to do poorly thus all their efforts will go on the nukes instead

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

I hear it got delayed because MS wants people to buy a Xbox One.

I'm surprised they don't just scrap it, but maybe they're already far into development.

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If ubisoft going to delay it, might as well can it because we all know that shit ain't selling. Why waste the money if you know that your not going to make a profit from it.

Don’t follow the hype, follow the games


Here a little quote I want for those to keep memorize in your head for this coming next gen.                            

 By: Suke

Told you they'd find some way to disadvantage it. It's apparently illegal to release a quality Wii U port on time.

Also, bet it still releases as a technical abortion with a shit framerate and PS3/360 assets.