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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is Vgchartz A Sony Dominated Website?


Who's Game Consoles Do You Like/Prefer?

Playstation 82 30.04%
Playstation/ Microsoft 13 4.76%
Playstation/ Nintendo 49 17.95%
Nintendo 37 13.55%
Nintendo/Playstation 27 9.89%
Nintendo/Microsoft 8 2.93%
Microsoft 13 4.76%
Microsoft/Playstation 8 2.93%
Microsoft/Nintendo 6 2.20%
I like all three 29 10.62%
curl-6 said:

That is the impression I get.

It's got nothing on N4G though, that place is like the Church of Sony.

A relentless cult perhaps?


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I would say look at the comments people make. If someone makes a positive thread - see how people react. Some people just can't handle something positive about another system and troll.

Plus there is a good level of disillusion. They blame and accuse others for things they themselves do. It is most bizarre - and somewhat like the US political system where a few billionaires try to manipulate a party to say they are 'for the people' when they are 'for exploiting everyone but the so called job creators.'


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
80% Sony, 15% Nintendo, 4.9% MS, 0.1% PC/OUYA

Its pretty clear since when Nintendo makes a mistake, there are about 50 threads in one day about how doomed they are vs when Sony makes a mistake and loses 1.1 Billion dollars, theres like what? 3 threads?

Well, I mean, that's simply down to reading the article regarding Sony's 1.1B dollar loss, reading the actual facts regarding the situation actually tells...well, anyone who cares to look into it that this is a major attempt at both restructuring and what could very well be a return to profitability by getting rid of their two biggest losing divisions.  Won't have a huge impact until 2015-2016 when they stop having to cover the VAIO costs/warranties, but it's certainly improved their financial outlook moving forward.

Am I the only one that finds it odd the question was asked in the Sony forum?

The rEVOLution is not being televised

I would say Nintendo is pretty close in users, but in terms of content, yeah it's Sony dominated. Nintendo is not really competing with Sony and MS in the living room, so you don't see many threads for their stuff. This place has never had many Xbox fans since I have been here or the months before that when I lurked, even when the 360 was dominating.

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Most gaming websites are.

pezus said:

Hah! By recent years you mean what, exactly? I'm pretty sure Sony has been top dog for a while now, even with handhelds included. At the very least Nintendo and Sony have been around equal for a few years now, and before that Sony utterly dominated.

I remember this site being dominated by Nintendo fans back in the day, hence Darth's push to unite the playstation fans against the great evil

Yeah, if you start from PS1 and N64 they're about even. But if you throw in Gameboy, NES, SNES... Sony has some catching up to do!

There is a reason NIntendo has more money!

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mornelithe said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
80% Sony, 15% Nintendo, 4.9% MS, 0.1% PC/OUYA

Its pretty clear since when Nintendo makes a mistake, there are about 50 threads in one day about how doomed they are vs when Sony makes a mistake and loses 1.1 Billion dollars, theres like what? 3 threads?

Well, I mean, that's simply down to reading the article regarding Sony's 1.1B dollar loss, reading the actual facts regarding the situation actually tells...well, anyone who cares to look into it that this is a major attempt at both restructuring and what could very well be a return to profitability by getting rid of their two biggest losing divisions.  Won't have a huge impact until 2015-2016 when they stop having to cover the VAIO costs/warranties, but it's certainly improved their financial outlook moving forward.

Well according to the bloomberg report on it, Sony hasn't, or kaz, hasn't done any real restructuring. The investors aren't happy, and if you read the Bloomberg story, really, Sony isn't much different today than they were a couple of years ago. Without selling buildings, their losses would have been even more massive. They need to do something extreme, and when they do, they will be a shell of their former self, but at least they will exist.... If they keep basically doing nothing(the pc sector is a start) then they WILL go bankrupt. Son is in deep trouble, nothing they've done is looking like they will be better off in 2016... Look up the bloomberg story... Very eye opening, and depressing.

Mr Puggsly said:
pezus said:

Hah! By recent years you mean what, exactly? I'm pretty sure Sony has been top dog for a while now, even with handhelds included. At the very least Nintendo and Sony have been around equal for a few years now, and before that Sony utterly dominated.

I remember this site being dominated by Nintendo fans back in the day, hence Darth's push to unite the playstation fans against the great evil

Yeah, if you start from PS1 and N64 they're about even. But if you throw in Gameboy, NES, SNES... Sony has some catching up to do!

There is a reason NIntendo has more money!

and if you take what the wii and ds were selling when they were at the top, no other company, ever, sold more machines than Nintendo was. That was utter dominance, Sony never sold game machines on a yearly rate like that, not even close.

Justagamer said:
mornelithe said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
80% Sony, 15% Nintendo, 4.9% MS, 0.1% PC/OUYA

Its pretty clear since when Nintendo makes a mistake, there are about 50 threads in one day about how doomed they are vs when Sony makes a mistake and loses 1.1 Billion dollars, theres like what? 3 threads?

Well, I mean, that's simply down to reading the article regarding Sony's 1.1B dollar loss, reading the actual facts regarding the situation actually tells...well, anyone who cares to look into it that this is a major attempt at both restructuring and what could very well be a return to profitability by getting rid of their two biggest losing divisions.  Won't have a huge impact until 2015-2016 when they stop having to cover the VAIO costs/warranties, but it's certainly improved their financial outlook moving forward.

Well according to the bloomberg report on it, Sony hasn't, or kaz, hasn't done any real restructuring. The investors aren't happy, and if you read the Bloomberg story, really, Sony isn't much different today than they were a couple of years ago. Without selling buildings, their losses would have been even more massive. They need to do something extreme, and when they do, they will be a shell of their former self, but at least they will exist.... If they keep basically doing nothing(the pc sector is a start) then they WILL go bankrupt. Son is in deep trouble, nothing they've done is looking like they will be better off in 2016... Look up the bloomberg story... Very eye opening, and depressing.

You don't think breaking off the money-draining PC and TV divisions will help?