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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is the talk of a new Nintendo console off putting?

Nintendo haven't mentioned a new console.

There was a 'leak' of specs for a console/handheld hybrid (that can be largely dismissed as it was a unknown source) that captured peoples imaginations and we know that Nintendo begins work on it's next console very shortly after the release of its current one.

What Nintendo have said, is that they are looking to diversify their product portfolio by creating a new business of 'health entertainment'. No one knows what the hell they're up to except that it's going to be 'non-wearable' and outside the living room.

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well if you want to be insecure about some rumors then it is your choice. Life is t short to as what if.

If you want to play games that are on a system then just do it.



Cobretti2 said:
well if you want to be insecure about some rumors then it is your choice. Life is t short to as what if.

If you want to play games that are on a system then just do it.


Insecure? It's called dedecutive reasoning, smartass. Why do you think people can paid to do it? But I guess life is too short to make rational decisions...

There isn't going to be another Nintendo console in the way you guys think.

Nintendo is waiting for handheld mobile tech to catch up to Wii U level performance. When that happens and is cost effective, they are going to launch a portable platform which they can port Wii U games/engines to.

Then they'll be able to make the same game and release it on the new Nintendo handheld and the Wii U if they want at the same time.

See Iwata's quote:

In this perspective, while we are only going to be able to start this with the next system, it will become important for us to accurately take advantage of what we have done with the Wii U architecture. It of course does not mean that we are going to use exactly the same architecture as Wii U, but we are going to create a system that can absorb the Wii U architecture adequately. When this happens, home consoles and handheld devices will no longer be completely different, and they will become like brothers in a family of systems.

Still, I am not sure if the form factor (the size and configuration of the hardware) will be integrated. In contrast, the number of form factors might increase. Currently, we can only provide two form factors because if we had three or four different architectures, we would face serious shortages of software on every platform. To cite a specific case, Apple is able to release smart devices with various form factors one after another because there is one way of programming adopted by all platforms. Apple has a common platform called iOS.

Think an ARM-based/smartphone GPU powered Nintendo tablet and a similar chipset for the "home console" too.

This is going to take some time for game fanboys to wrap their head around because it's not going to be the "new console" they think it is.

Deleted double post,

-Mr Khan

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Nintendo's just discussing long-term strategy more than anything. While i do not doubt that the Wii U will be supported at least through early 2016 (to be replaced in late 2016 with a hybrid thing to follow the 3DS as well), but given the big financial burden Wii U has proven to be so far, investors want to hear about new revenue streams. Talk of a new console also helps to shut up the crowing about mobile devices, especially if the "new" console implements some sort of mobile solution.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Nintendo's just discussing long-term strategy more than anything. While i do not doubt that the Wii U will be supported at least through early 2016 (to be replaced in late 2016 with a hybrid thing to follow the 3DS as well), but given the big financial burden Wii U has proven to be so far, investors want to hear about new revenue streams. Talk of a new console also helps to shut up the crowing about mobile devices, especially if the "new" console implements some sort of mobile solution.

This. It's just bussiness at long term.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

They are planning for the future and that's okay. With that criteria, you could wait for the PS5, it will be better anyway! They are discussing plans for their next console, and it's a long way before the console releases.

Now go and buy a Wii U!

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

I'm sorry, but this debate is born of desinformation.

Nintendo is not talking about the sucessor to the Wii U. Its making a different line of products for a different market (quality of life).

You have nothing to be worried about, the Wii U is here to stay. Their strategy for the Videogame market is M&A (mergers and aquisitions).

The console specs and the lack of third party are off putting, now hearing their planning on a new console already pretty much nailed the last bolt on the coffin for me, this will be the first Nintendo console I might never own in the future